HITCON PEACE 2022 台灣駭客年會


  • 活動名稱:HITCON PEACE 2022 台灣駭客年會

  • 主辦單位:經濟部工業局、社團法人台灣駭客協會 (HITCON)、CHROOT

  • 執行單位:社團法人台灣駭客協會 (HITCON)、工業技術研究院

  • 會議地點:南港展覽館 2 館 7 樓 / 台北市南港區經貿二路 2 號

  • 會議時間:2022 年 08 月 19 日 (五)- 2022 年 08 月 20 日(六)


  • 當日不開放現場售票
  • 本次活動因委託 KKTIX 代開發票,故請您於購票前必須完成註冊 KKTIX 會員,方可購票,造成不便敬請見諒




  1. 票價:免費

  2. 票券說明 & 權益:

    • 2022/08/15 12:00 前完成報名者,將 email 提供線上活動登入資訊

    • 數量有限,額滿系統將自動關閉,敬請及早完成報名

    • 持該票種 無法 於現場提供加價升級,不提供餐點,敬請留意

    • 現場報到時可領取 HITCON PEACE 2022 實體迎賓袋 1 份(內含 HITCON PEACE 2022 免費票會眾 Badge 1 張),數量有限,領完為止

    • 此票種僅限於活動期間參與

      1. 8/19 開幕式與兩場 Keynote 

      2. 實體攤位以及大會活動

      3. 2022 HITCON x Yourator 數位職涯博覽會活動

  3. 【2022 HITCON x Yourator 數位職涯博覽會】線上下同步展開!
    ▻ 詳細活動資訊:https://yourator.pse.is/4ashds
    ▻ 線上徵才專區:https://yourator.pse.is/4aukdl


  1. 票價:

    • 一般票 票價:新台幣 1,500 元

    • 學生票 票價:新台幣 750 元(須完成 學生票購買資格申請表,待審核通過後,需使用邀請碼完成購票手續)

    • 以上票種不適用於早鳥優惠

  2. 票券說明&權益:

    • 皆含 HITCON PEACE 2022 實體精美迎賓袋 1 份(內含 HITCON PEACE 2022 會眾 Badge 1 張)

  3. 注意事項:

    • 大會將於活動前統一寄送 HITCON PEACE 2022 迎賓袋(不含紀念 T-shirt)(僅限台灣及離島區域),請務必填寫正確之「收件地址」及「收件人姓名」,以避免物資無法送達,如因填寫錯誤致未收到物資,一概自行負責,大會恕不再另行補寄

    • 大會將統一於活動前發送 E-mail 提供線上票登入資訊,敬請確認 E-mail 填寫正確(詳細時程及使用辦法另行公告)

    • 8/15 12:00 至 8/18 0:00 贈票報名者,將不提供 HITCON PEACE 2022 實體精美迎賓袋


  1. 票價:

    • 早鳥實體票 票價:新台幣 3,500 元

    • 一般實體票 票價:新台幣 5,000 元

      • 雙人套票:新台幣 9,000 元

      • 三人套票:新台幣 12,000 元

    • 學生票 票價:新台幣 1,000 元(須完成 學生票購買資格申請表,待審核通過後,需使用邀請碼完成購票手續)

    • 未出席活動者,迎賓袋將不予補寄

    • 因應防疫措施將控管與會人數上限,實體票種數量有限,售完為止

  2. 票券說明:

    • 此票種可於活動期間參加線上活動及收看線上議程直播,並「可以」參加現場活動

  3. 票券權益:

    • 現場報到時可領取 HITCON PEACE 2022 實體精美迎賓袋 1 份(內含 HITCON PEACE 2022 會眾 Badge 1 張、HITCON PEACE 2022 紀念 T-shirt 1 件)

    • 第三階段報名者,將不提供HITCON PEACE 2022 紀念 T-shirt

貴賓票 VIP

  1. 票價:新台幣 20,000 元

  2. 票券說明:此票價享線上票種、現場票種所有權益,另包含以下特殊專屬權益:

    • 可參加第一天的 VIP 晚宴,詳細活動內容另行通知

    • 議程廳快速通關道及保留座位(每個議程廳因容留限制,保留座位數量有限)

    • 免費使用 VIP Room 




「學生身分」須年齡為 24 歲以下,且必須符合兩點者:

  • 持「學生證」(含研究所),須蓋 110 學年度下學期「註冊章」(包含應屆畢業生)

  • 持「身分證、護照」等任一有照證件入場,且出生日期須為民國 86 年 9 月後出生者,例如國中、準高中職學生、準大學生、準研究生


  • 學生票購買說明:請先填寫 學生票購買資格申請表 ,審核通過後,將統一於 7/13 23:59 前寄出邀請碼至聯絡信箱,請於售票期間持邀請碼於購票頁面完成購買手續

  • 學生票申請期限為:2022/05/03 20 : 00 - 2022/07/12  12 : 00

  • 此表單僅作為購買線上學生票之資格申請,並不保證完成表單即具線上學生票之購買資格(填寫順序亦不等同購票順序)。

  • 大會將於申請後兩週內完成驗證資格並發出邀請碼,您取得邀請碼後必須儘速完成購票手續,請注意,該邀請碼不等於參加門票

  • 學生票數量有限,售完不補,若提早完售系統將自動關閉,未能成功使用或逾期使用者視同放棄購票資格。

  • 學生票僅供本人使用,不可轉讓,實體學生票於入場前須出示相關身份證明文件,方可入場





  • 大會將視中央流行疫情指揮中心之政策調整防疫規定

  • 實體活動於活動當日入場時均會進行體溫量測,如與會者有發燒【額溫≧37.5℃】情形,將不得進入 HITCON PEACE 2022 會場,並且不予退票

  • 如因配合衛生、教育單位防疫相關規定屬防疫管制對象者,致無法參與 HITCON PEACE 2022 者,請即時通知大會服務信箱 ticket@hitcon.org,並檢具下列任一項證明文件,大會將全額退費:

  • 網路報名請妥善填寫真實資料與收件資訊

  • 請妥善留存您的票卷入場 QR Code,以供查驗身分

  • 與會人員往返交通費及需住宿請自理


  • 本活動委由「KKTIX」開立電子發票

  • 發票將於付款完成後 1-2 個工作天內寄至購票者信箱,若您為持票人(非自行購票),請自行洽購票人索取

  • 一筆訂單僅開立一張發票,若因報名數人需要數張發票,請拆開訂單報名 

  • 電子發票以 Email 形式發送,您收到之後可以將發票 列印成紙本 報帳

  • 有關發票開立/更改/遺失重開等相關問題,請洽 KKTIX 客服 


  • 「買一張門票是擇一天參加嗎?」一張門票即有兩天活動入場資格



  • Event: HITCON (Hacks in Taiwan Conference) PEACE 2022

  • Organizers: Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs; Association of Hackers in Taiwan; CHROOT

  • Executive Organizers: Association of Hackers in Taiwan (HITCON); Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI)

  • Location: Nangang International Exhibition Center, Hall 2, 7F
    (2 Jingmao 2nd Rd., Nangang District, Taipei City)

  • Date: August 19th, 2022 (Fri.) – August 20th, 2022 (Sat.)


  • No walk-in admissions at the venue.
  • Since KKTIX is our payment processor this year, you’ll need to create a KKTIX account before you could register for this event. We apologize for the inconvenience.
  • All non-English speaking programs will provide simultaneous interpretation and translation into English.

Free Admission

  1. Price: Free

  2. Description & Benefits:
    • Free admission is only valid for participating keynote sessions, 2022 HITCON × Yourator Digital Career Fair, and other in-person events that are not by-invitation only on the event day. You may not participate in online events, watch live streams, or join premium sessions.

    • Please note that there will be NO paid upgrades at the venue and no meals will be provided for free admissions.

    • Limited quantities of HITCON PEACE 2022 Welcome Kit (Free Admission attendee badge included) would be available upon check-in. You may receive one while supply lasts.

Virtual Admission

  1. Price

    • General Ticket: NT$1,500

    • Student Ticket: NT$750 (You must finish the application form and enter the provided invitation code to complete the purchase once approved.)

    • Early bird discount is not available for virtual admission.

  2. Description & Benefits

    • This type of ticket is only valid for participating online events and watching live-streamed sessions. Please note that there will be NO admission to in-person events and on-site upgrades at the venue will NOT be available.

    • HITCON PEACE 2022 Welcome Pack, including the badge and the souvenir bag for HITCON PEACE 2022.

  3. Note

    • HITCON PEACE 2022 Welcome Pack (T-shirt not included)(for Taiwan and Offshore Islands area only) will be mailed to you physically before the event. Please make sure to fill in the correct “recipient address” and “contact name” to ensure delivery. You’re responsible for the correctness of the information and we will not resend them if undelivered.

    • Access information for virtual admission will be sent to your email address before the event. Please be sure to fill in the correct email address (detailed schedule and usage information are yet to be announced.)

  4. Additional notes

    • Some sessions might not be available online due to patented technologies. These sessions will be marked on the agenda on our official website; please take this into consideration before purchasing virtual admission.

    • Due to the pandemic and to raise the awareness of information security, HITCON PEACE 2022 will make a limited number of sessions publicly available on our YouTube channel for aspiring cybersecurity fellows. Premium sessions accepted by the review board and agreed by the speakers are limited to registered attendees. Please visit our official website for more details.

In-Person Admission

  1. Price

    • Early Bird Ticket: NT$ 3,500

    • General admission: NT$ 5,000 

      1. Duo ticket: NT$ 9,000

      2. Trio ticket: NT$ 12,000 

    • Students: NT$ 1,000 (You must finish the application form and enter the provided invitation code to complete the purchase once approved.)

    • We will not deliver your HITCON PEACE 2022 Welcome Pack if you miss the event.

    • The number of physical attendees will be limited in compliance with pandemic prevention measures, In-person admissions are only available while tickets last.

  2. Description

      • Valid for participating online events, watching live-streamed sessions, AND attending the event in-person.

  3. Benefits

    • Attendees will receive their HITCON PEACE 2022 Welcome Pack upon arrival, which includes the attendee badge, a souvenir bag, and a limited edition T-shirt for HITCON PEACE 2022.

VIP Admission

  1. Price

    • NT$ 20,000

  2. Description

    • Includes all the benefits of virtual/in-person admission and additional exclusive benefits as follows:

    • Attend the VIP dinner party on the first day of the event. Details will be announced separately.

    • Fast pass and reserved seats for all HITCON PEACE 2022 conference halls.

    • Free admission to the VIP lounge.


Verification for Student Tickets:

You must be under 24 years old and satisfy the following requirements:

  • In possession of your “Student ID” (graduate schools included) with registration stamp for at least semester (fresh graduated students are included). 

  • Present your photo ID (e.g., national ID or passport) for admission. Additionally, the attendees must have been born after September 1997, such as junior high school students, prospective high school students, prospective college students, and prospective graduate students.


  • To purchase student tickets: Please fill in the application form first. Upon approval, you will receive your invitation code before 23:59, July 13th. Please enter the invitation code during the sales period to complete your purchase.

  • Application opens from May 3rd at 20:00 to July 12th at 12:00 (GMT+8).

  • Completing this form merely completes the application process and does not guarantee approval to purchase student tickets (the order of completing the form does not amount to the order of purchasing tickets).

  • After we validate your eligibility, an invitation code will be issued to you. Once you receive the invitation code, you must complete the purchase as soon as possible. Please note that invitation codes are not admission tickets.

  • The quantity of student tickets is limited. The system will close out automatically once tickets run out. Those who haven’t redeemed their codes by the time are considered to have relinquished their chance.

  • Student tickets cannot be transferred. Valid ID must be presented upon registration to be admitted for in-person student admissions.



Note on registration:

  • For overseas attendees who cannot transfer the payment, please email us a list of designated attendees and we will assist you accordingly.

  • Attendees are requested to read the “Personal Information Protection Notification of HITCON & ITRI” and Personal Information Protection Notification of IDB” carefully.

  • Online attendees will not be refunded if they are not satisfied with the quality of network live streams. Please think carefully before purchasing. It is recommended to check your internet connection quality beforehand.

  • KKTIX will be responsible for processing refunds and 10% of the face amount will be charged by the system as the handling fee. Additional processing fee incurred by the chosen payment method may also apply.

  • Multiple tracks will be held for in-person sessions. Conference halls have limited seats and we cannot guarantee seating for every attendee. We apologize for the inconvenience.



Note on participation:

  • HITCON will adjust our pandemic prevention measures in accordance with Central Epidemic Command Center’s policies.

  • We will take each attendee’s temperature when one enters the venue to attend on-site events on the day. If any attendee has a fever (forehead temperature ≧ 37.5 ℃ or ear temperature ≧ 38 ℃), the attendee will not be allowed to enter the HITCON PEACE 2022 venue, and the tickets are not refundable. 

  • In response to the pandemic, HITCON will implement the Contact-Based Policy in physical activities. If the attendees refuse to provide personal data, they will not be allowed to enter the HITCON 2022 venue, and the tickets are not refundable. 

  • If you are not able to attend HITCON PEACE 2022 due to the anti-epidemic control regulations of the health and education authorities, please inform the HITCON service mailbox: ticket@hitcon.org immediately. If any of the listed documents is being provided, HITCON will fully refund the tickets.

    1. Clinical / Hospital Certificate of Diagnosis (confirmed positive COVID-19)

    2. Home (Self) Isolation Notice

    3. Home Quarantine Notice

    4. Record for Health Care Condition

    5. Notification of Compulsory Quarantine for Arriving Passengers with Suspicious Symptoms

    6. Self-health Management Notice

    7. Certificate of diagnosis (Must specify: fever, smell and taste disorders, upper respiratory tract infection, or those who are sent for inspection, or any symptoms related to the pandemic.)

  • Online sign up should fill in the real information and receive information.

  • Please keep your ticket QR Code for future identification check.

  • Attendees’ transportation fee, traveling fee and accommodation fee are not provided.


Notes on invoice issuance:

  • KKTIX is in charge of issuing e-invoices for this event.

  • The invoice will be sent to the ticket purchaser's email 1-2 working days after the payment is completed. If you are the ticket holder but did not purchase tickets on your own, please contact the purchaser to get the E-Invoice.

  • One invoice is issued for one order. If you need multiple invoices for many people, please separate the orders when registering.

  • The e-invoice will be delivered via email. You can print the invoice out if you need a physical copy to claim the expense.

  • Any invoice submit / change / reissue related questions are answered by KKTIX customer service.



  • Q: Does one ticket only permit the participation of one day?
    A:  No, one ticket is all you need for the two-day event.


Contact us:



南港展覽館二館 / 台北市南港區經貿二路2號


チケット種別 販売期間 価格
早鳥優惠【實體】一般票 (Early Bird General In-Person Admission)

2022/05/03 20:00(+0800) ~ 2022/05/24 12:00(+0800) 販売終了
  • TWD$3,500

2022/05/25 20:00(+0800) ~ 2022/08/18 12:00(+0800) 販売終了
  • 無料

2022/08/19 10:30(+0800) ~ 2022/08/20 12:00(+0800) 販売終了
  • 無料
【線上】一般票 (General Virtual Admission)

2022/05/18 20:00(+0800) ~ 2022/07/26 12:00(+0800) 販売終了
  • TWD$1,500
【線上】學生票 (Student Virtual Admission)

2022/05/18 20:00(+0800) ~ 2022/07/26 12:00(+0800) 販売終了
  • TWD$750
【實體】一般票 (General In-Person Admission)

2022/05/25 20:00(+0800) ~ 2022/07/26 12:00(+0800) 販売終了
  • TWD$5,000
雙人套票【實體】一般票 (Duo - General In-Person Admission)

2022/05/25 20:00(+0800) ~ 2022/07/26 12:00(+0800) 販売終了
  • TWD$4,500
三人套票【實體】一般票 (Trio - General In-Person Admission)

2022/05/25 20:00(+0800) ~ 2022/07/26 12:00(+0800) 販売終了
  • TWD$4,000
【實體】學生票 (Student In-Person Admission)

2022/05/18 20:00(+0800) ~ 2022/07/26 12:00(+0800) 販売終了
  • TWD$1,000
【實體】貴賓票 (VIP In-Person Admission)

2022/05/18 20:00(+0800) ~ 2022/07/26 12:00(+0800) 販売終了
  • TWD$20,000
〖第三階段〗【線上】一般票 (General Virtual Admission)

2022/07/27 20:00(+0800) ~ 2022/08/15 12:00(+0800) 販売終了
  • TWD$1,500
〖第三階段〗【實體】一般票 (General In-Person Admission)

2022/07/27 20:00(+0800) ~ 2022/08/15 12:00(+0800) 販売終了
  • TWD$5,000
〖第三階段〗雙人套票【實體】一般票 (Duo - General In-Person Admission)

2022/07/27 20:00(+0800) ~ 2022/08/15 12:00(+0800) 販売終了
  • TWD$4,500
〖第三階段〗三人套票【實體】一般票 (Trio - General In-Person Admission)

2022/07/27 20:00(+0800) ~ 2022/08/15 12:00(+0800) 販売終了
  • TWD$4,000
〖第三階段〗【實體】貴賓票 (Invited - VIP In-Person Admission)

2022/07/27 20:00(+0800) ~ 2022/08/15 12:00(+0800) 販売終了
  • TWD$20,000
第三階段〖贈票〗【線上】學生票 (Invited - Student Virtual Admission)

2022/07/27 20:00(+0800) ~ 2022/08/18 00:00(+0800) 販売終了
  • 無料
第三階段〖贈票〗【實體】學生票 (Invited - Student In-Person Admission)

2022/07/27 20:00(+0800) ~ 2022/08/18 00:00(+0800) 販売終了
  • 無料
第三階段〖贈票〗【線上】一般票 (Invited - General Virtual Admission)

2022/07/27 20:00(+0800) ~ 2022/08/18 00:00(+0800) 販売終了
  • 無料
第三階段〖贈票〗【實體】一般票 (Invited - General In-Person Admission)

2022/07/27 20:00(+0800) ~ 2022/08/18 00:00(+0800) 販売終了
  • 無料
第三階段〖贈票〗【實體】貴賓票 (Invited - VIP In-Person Admission)

2022/07/27 20:00(+0800) ~ 2022/08/18 00:00(+0800) 販売終了
  • 無料