台灣駭客年會 HITCON Pacific 2018

HITCON Pacific 2018 以「Transforming: Cybersecurity and Resilience」為主題,聚焦於各式強韌性資安技術、安防措施等可加強企業關鍵系統的議題上,以期能協助企業與政府縮短資安事件造成的各層面影響。

The slogan of HITCON Pacific 2018 will be “Transforming: Cybersecurity and Resilience”. The topic of HITCON Pacific this year will be focused on many strong cybersecurity technologies and defense mechanisms for the critical systems in the enterprise. Expect it could help the enterprise or government to curtail the effects of the security incident. 

此外,今年納入了 FINSEC 元素。HITCON FINSEC 主要探討金融安全、數位金融的議題。邀請到國際金融單位來台分享,也會安排獨立的閉門會議,更深入地交流金融體系經驗。

Moreover, we also include FINSEC topic this year. HITCON FINSEC will focus on the cybersecurity issue of finance. Will invite many international financial institutions to share their experience and also have a closed-door meeting to interact with them.

除了議程的亮點外,本次會議首度開設 HITCON BLUE TEAM,讓會眾可以快速累積企業防禦的實戰經驗。

In addition to the topics, the HITCON BLUE TEAM will be established for the attendee to pick up the practical experience of enterprise cybersecurity defense.

社團法人台灣駭客協會 Association of Hackers in Taiwan
電週文化事業股份有限公司 iThome Weekly INC.

2018 / 12 / 13(Thu.) - 2018 / 12 / 14(Fri.)

台北文創 Taipei New Horizon 6F


『 FINSEC Closed Session - 聚焦金融安全、專屬閉門會議 』

金融科技創新風潮崛起,金融業向來更是許多有心人士覬覦的目標,今年 HITCON Pacific 2018 聚焦於 FINSEC 金融安全,打造 FINSEC 主題技術議程、專屬閉門會議,共同邀請國內外金融業從業人員與會,有意願參加者請填寫申請表單

As the growth of FinTech increases every year, the financial services industry has always been a target to cyber security threat. This year, FINSEC will be the key focus of HITCON Pacific 2018. We would love to build up the opportunity with the exclusive session for practitioner in financial industry. If you are interested, please fill out the application form.

  • 會議日期 Date:2018/12/13(Thu.)
  • 與會資格 Eligibility:邀請制 Invited Only 。


『 CIO Round Table - 身為 CIO 的您絕對不能錯過 』

HITCON CIO Round Table 集結頂尖資安專家,從 HITCON 精選議題切入,進行經驗及觀點深度交流,帶領產、官、學推動資安能量。購買任一票種,即可以 NT$3,000 升級為圓桌套票 ,參加 12/14 HITCON Pacific CIO Round Table,限額 30 名,敬請把握!

HITCON CIO Round Table gathering world leading security experts, focusing on the most relevant cyber security issues, running in a more interactive and in depth way to listen and share. Leading domestic public and private entities promote to promote information security energy. Upgrade your ticket with NT$3,000 to join CIO Round Table on Dec. 14. Only 30 seats availble, don't miss it! 

  • 會議日期 Date:2018/12/14(Fri.)
  • 升級加購價 Price:NT$3,000 


報名注意事項 Notice for Registration

  1. 會議舉行當日可至現場報名 NT$ 20,000 元,現場報名是網路售票有剩餘才開放,額滿為止,額滿後恕不開放入場。
    On-site ticket: NTD $20,000(On-site ticket number subjects to seats availability. There's no plan to over-sell. Limited quantities will be available for sale on the day of the conference.)

  2. 海外參加者若無法匯款,請來信大會服務信箱(,並提供參加名單,我們將為您服務。
    Oversea attendees: For oversea participants who are unable to wire-transfer the registration fees, please email us at( the list of participants, and we'll assist you.

  3. 購票方式有特別需求者,請利用 團體購票申請 填寫申請,我們將有專人為您服務。
    HITCON Pacific 2018 offers Group Tickets, available for groups of 3 or more persons, if you have special requirements, please complete the form, and we'll assist you.

  4. 請與會人員詳細閱讀「HITCON 個人資料保護聲明」。
    Participants please read our "HITCON Personal Data Protection Statement".

  5. 學生票(Student Tickets)入場須符合以下任一資格,並於進場時提供相關證件以利驗證:
    (Every student attendees must qualify one of following conditions and should hold ID for verification.)

    • 持「學生證」(含研究所)入場:須蓋 107 學年度上學期「註冊章」,且年齡 24 歲以下。
      Under 24 years old and hold any “Photo Student ID Card”. (Including graduate school). Register stamps at least one semester are required. 

    • 若學校未提供註冊章欄位,除學生證外,請另外攜帶在學證明,或能證明這學期有在該學校念書之學校文件:例如註冊單或成績單即可。
      If the school does not provide registration stamp, in addition to the student ID card, please bring along the certificate of enrollment, or you can prove that documents for the school in this semester: for example, a registration form or a transcript.

    • 持「身分證、護照」等任一有照證件入場,且須為民國 83 年 9 月後出生,例如國中、準高中職學生、準大學生、準研究生。
      Should be born after September 1st 1994, and hold any state-issued photo identification (passport, driver's license etc) when attending the conference for verification.

    • 持學生票進場,未帶證件無法驗證或驗證後資格不符者,一律視為「一般身份」並需補票後方得進場。
      Disqualified attendees must pay full-ticket price-delta upon entry.

與會注意事項 Notice for Attendees

  1. 活動為多軌議程,大會不保證參加者座位。
    A seat may not guarantee to offer during simultaneous breakout sessions.

  2. 請記住您的報名確認函內容,以供查驗身分。
    Please keep your registration information for verifying.

  3. 與會人員往返交通費及需住宿請自理。
    The ticket does not include accommodation and transportation.

  4. 本會議提供午餐及下午茶點。
    HITCON Pacific will prepare lunch and afternoon tea for attendant.

發票開立注意事項 GUI Invoice:

  1. 本活動由「社團法人台灣駭客協會」開立紙本發票。
    GUI Invoice for HITCON Pacific 2018 will be issued by Hacks in Taiwan Association.

  2. 需打統一編號之發票將會以掛號方式寄至發票收件地址,敬請填寫可收掛號郵件之正確地址;發票收件地址僅接受國內地址,恕不接受國外地址發票寄送,填寫國外地址者統一至活動現場領取。
    If you need GUI number with the GUI Invoice, please DO fill out the GUI number when you place the order. Only address in Taiwan is acceptable. If you fill out an international address, please pick up your GUI Invoice at Reception Desk of HITCON 2018.

  3. 11/30 前完成購票之發票將於「 12/6 」掛號寄出,12/1~12/12 完成購票之發票可於活動兩日至服務台索取,未至服務台領取的發票則統一於「12/17」掛號寄出。

  4. 請特別留意您的統編、地址有需要更動請務必在「 11/30 」前修改完成。若您有需要提前索取發票,請填寫 問題表單 告知。
    Please modify the information in advance if you need to revise before 11/30.

  5. 發票異動皆需將發票寄回協會處理,請盡量於報名前確認發票資訊以便確保發票正確性;若需異動發票,請填寫 問題表單 。
    If you need to revise any information on the GUI invoice after you get, you will need to send GUI invoice to us in order to issue a revised GUI Invoice. Please make sure all GUI information is correct before you place the order. If you DO need to revise the GUI Invoice you received, please fill out 
    the form. We will contact you without delay.

台北文創 / 臺北市信義區菸廠路 88 號 6 樓

Event Tickets

Ticket Type Sale Period Price
學生票(Student Tickets)

2018/11/01 00:00(+0800) ~ 2018/12/12 23:59(+0800) End of Sale
  • TWD$7,500
一般票(Regular Tickets)

2018/11/01 00:00(+0800) ~ 2018/12/12 23:59(+0800) End of Sale
  • TWD$12,000
一般票(Regular Tickets)X CIO

2018/11/01 00:00(+0800) ~ 2018/12/12 23:59(+0800) End of Sale
  • TWD$15,000
一般票(Regular Tickets)X FINSEC

2018/11/01 00:00(+0800) ~ 2018/12/12 23:59(+0800) End of Sale
  • TWD$12,000
一般票(Regular Tickets)X CIO X FINSEC

2018/11/01 00:00(+0800) ~ 2018/12/12 23:59(+0800) End of Sale
  • TWD$15,000
一般團體票(Group Tickets)

2018/11/01 00:00(+0800) ~ 2018/12/12 23:59(+0800) End of Sale
  • TWD$10,000
一般團體票(Group Tickets) X CIO

2018/11/01 00:00(+0800) ~ 2018/12/12 23:59(+0800) End of Sale
  • TWD$13,000
一般團體票(Group Tickets)X FINSEC

2018/11/01 00:00(+0800) ~ 2018/12/12 23:59(+0800) End of Sale
  • TWD$10,000
一般團體票(Group Tickets) X CIO X FINSEC

2018/11/01 00:00(+0800) ~ 2018/12/12 23:59(+0800) End of Sale
  • TWD$13,000
贈票 Special - 一般票(Regular Tickets)

2018/10/12 00:00(+0800) ~ 2018/12/12 23:50(+0800) End of Sale
  • Free
贈票 Special - Regular Tickets X CIO

2018/10/12 00:00(+0800) ~ 2018/12/12 23:59(+0800) End of Sale
  • Free
贈票 Special - Regular Tickets X FINSEC

2018/10/12 00:00(+0800) ~ 2018/12/12 23:59(+0800) End of Sale
  • Free
贈票 Special - Regular Tickets X CIO X FINSEC

2018/10/12 00:00(+0800) ~ 2018/12/12 23:59(+0800) End of Sale
  • Free
優惠一般票(Special Offer Regular Tickets)

2018/10/12 00:00(+0800) ~ 2018/12/12 23:59(+0800) End of Sale
  • TWD$10,000
【HITCON 志工限定】 優惠一般票

2018/12/04 00:00(+0800) ~ 2018/12/12 23:59(+0800) End of Sale
  • TWD$5,000
Next Step