台灣駭客年會 HITCON 2016 Pacific

【All tickets are SOLD OUT! 】

2016 年台灣最具代表性的亞洲資安盛會 HITCON Pacific 即將開始!

今年是非常特殊的一年,我們以 The Fifth Domain: Cyber | Homeland Security 為主題,將眾所關注的第五領域:Cyber 上之威脅與防禦,邀請國內外專家透過資安及國安的角度下,深入探討各國的發展及因應對策。

在國際上我們看到資安對戰機器人的實現,各類物聯、車聯網的應用增加、多起國家級的監控行動被揭露、關鍵基礎設施遭入侵、勒索軟體肆虐及金融系統遭駭等,如在國內也出現了第一起 ATM 吐鈔盜領事件,震驚各界。如今,網際空間已經變成一塊成熟的新戰場,甚至與民生及國防安全亦息息相關。

HITCON Pacific 會議中除了有重量級講師,將與國際 CTF 全球 10 強攻防總決戰共同舉辦,我們企盼您加入這項行列,與世界級CTF選手共同點亮台灣資安軟硬實力。


主辦單位:社團法人台灣駭客協會 & iThome 電週文化事業股份有限公司

會議時間:2016 / 12 /1 - 2016 / 12 / 2

會議地點:台北文創 6F (台北市信義區菸廠路 88 號 6F)


報名時間:【SOLD OUT】

  • 超級早鳥 NT$ 8,000

2016/10/03 20:00 ~ 10/14 23:59

  • 早鳥報名 NT$ 10,000

2016/10/15 00:00 ~ 11/18 23:59

  • 一般票 NT$ 15,000

2016/11/19 00:00 ~ 現場

  • 團體票 NT$ 36,000/3張

2016/11/19 00:00 ~ 現場


  1. 【SOLD OUT】現場報名 : 會議舉行當日可至現場報名 NT$ 15,000 元,現場報名是網路售票有剩餘才開放,額滿為止,額滿後恕不開放入場。
  2. 海外參加者若無法匯款,請來信大會服務信箱(,並提供參加名單,我們將為您服務。
  3. 請與會人員詳細閱讀「HITCON 個人資料保護聲明」。


  1. 活動為多軌議程,大會不保證參加者座位。
  2. 請記住您的報名確認函內容,以供查驗身分。
  3. 與會人員往返交通費及需住宿請自理。
  4. 本會議提供午餐及下午茶點。
  5. 發票開立:本活動由社團法人台灣駭客協會開立發票。需統一編號者請務必填寫統編等資訊。
  6. 發票請於會議兩天至服務台領取。

HITCON Pacific 2016 個人資料條款

  1. 本次活動將於會場議程教室入口以及贊助商攤位處設置NFC讀卡機,用以感應學員識別證。 ​若您同意於議程教室入口處過卡,即代表您同意主辦單位「社團法人台灣駭客協會」以及「電週文化事業股份有公司」得將您因參加本活動所提供之個人資料,進行蒐集、處理及利用。並同意主辦單位寄發資訊安全相關活動、課程有關之eDM或服務有關訊息至您所填寫之電子信箱。亦得以其認為適當之方式以電話或其他通訊方式提供資訊安全相關之活動、課程相關訊息給您。 而您得就因本次活動報名所提供之個人資料依法向主辦單位「社團法人台灣駭客協會」以及「電週文化事業股份有限公司」以書面或電子文件請求行使:查詢或請求閱覽、製給複製本、補充或更正、請求停止蒐集、處理或利用、請求刪除等權利。
  2. 若您同意於活動首日主題演說議程教室入口處刷卡,即代表您同意主辦單位將您因參加本活動所提供之個人資料轉交予本次活動之天龍級贊助商(台灣思科 Cisco),進行蒐集、處理及利用。並同意本活動之天龍級贊助商(台灣思科 Cisco)寄發資訊安全相關活動、課程有關之eDM或服務有關訊息至您所填寫之電子信箱。亦得以其認為適當之方式以電話或其他通訊方式提供資訊安全相關之活動、課程相關訊息給您。而您得就因本次活動報名所提供之個人資料依法向本次活動天龍級贊助商(台灣思科 Cisco)以書面或電子文件請求行使:查詢或請求閱覽、製給複製本、補充或更正、請求停止蒐集、處理或利用、請求刪除等權利。
  3. 若您同意於本活動贊助商攤位處刷卡,即代表您同意主辦單位將您因參加本活動所提供之個人資料轉交予本次活動之贊助商,進行蒐集、處理及利用。並同意本活動之贊助商寄發資訊安全相關活動、課程有關之eDM或服務有關訊息至您所填寫之電子信箱。亦得以其認為適當之方式以電話或其他通訊方式提供資訊安全相關之活動、課程相關訊息給您。而您得就因本次活動報名所提供之個人資料依法向本次活動贊助商以書面或電子文件請求行使:查詢或請求閱覽、製給複製本、補充或更正、請求停止蒐集、處理或利用、請求刪除等權利。

HITCON Pacific 2016

The most typical Asian security conference in Taiwan - HITCON Pacific 2016

This year has been a particularly eventful year for the cyber security community. We have witnessed the increasing application of IoT and IoV, many large-scale inception groups or campaigns exposed, Critical Infrastructures attacked, Ransomware rampant, as well as financial systems hacked. The infamous ATM malware heist in Taiwan, for example, shocked international media and various industries across the globe. Cyberspace has matured into a playground of warfare, and has become closely interrelated with national security. This year at HITCON Pacific, our topic “The Fifth Domain: Cyber | Homeland Security” focuses on cyber threats and defense.

We the most renowned speakers and HITCON CTF Final with top ten winning teams come from the world. The Attack and Defense format competition will see the world’s best teams competing for the 2016 HITCON CTF Championship. Hope you could come with us to join this Asia's most iconic cyber security convention.


Date: 2016 / 12 /1 - 2016 / 12 / 2

Venue: Taipei New Horizon (6F., No.88, Yanchang Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City, Taiwan)


Registration: 【SOLD OUT】

  • Super Early Bird Tickets NT$ 8,000

2016/10/03 20:00 ~ 10/14 23:59

  • Early Bird Tickets NT$ 10,000

2016/10/15 00:00 ~ 11/18 23:59

  • Regular Tickets NT$ 15,000

2016/11/19 00:00 ~ on the spot

  • Group Tickets (for three adults) NT$ 36,000

2016/11/19 00:00 ~ on the spot

Notice for Registration:

  1. 【SOLD OUT】On-site ticket: NTD $15,000 (On-site ticket number subjects to seats availability. There's no plan to over-sell. Limited quantities will be available for sale on the day of the conference.)
  2. Oversea attendees: For oversea participants who are unable to wire-transfer the registration fees, please email us at ( with the list of participants, and we'll assist you.
  3. Participants please read our "HITCON Personal Data Protection Statement"

Notice for Attendees:

  1. HITCON Pacific does not provide on-venue ticket sale. There are also no guarantee for a seat.
  2. Please keep your registration information for verifying The ticket does not include accommodation and transportation.
  3. HITCON Pacific will prepare lunch and afternoon tea for attendant.
  4. GUI Invoice: GUI Invoice for HITCON 2016 Pacific will be issued by Hacks in Taiwan Association. If you need GUI number with the GUI Invoice, please DO fill out the GUI number when you place the order. (Remark: GUI Invoice with GUI number allows you to reimburse the order payment from your company in Taiwan.)

Privacy Policy:

  1. The Hacks in Taiwan Conference (hereafter referred to as “HITCON”) will set up NFC reader in the session rooms and sponsor booths for attendees to check in by badge.
  2. If you check-in your badge in the session rooms, it represent you agree the organizers <Hacks in Taiwan Association> and <iThome> can collect, process or use your information provided for this conference. The organizers will send the information of related activities, eDM of related courses or information of services to the email you register. The organizers will also use the phone or other communication ways to send information of related activities, eDM of related courses or information of services to you. You are entitled for the organizers <Hacks in Taiwan Association> and <iThome> to review, make duplications, supplement or correct, discontinue collection, processing or use, delete the personal information by mail or email.
  3. If you check-in your badge in keynote session room first day, it represent you agree the organizers can referral your personal information to the ultimate sponsor of HITCON Pacific for collecting, processing or using your information provided for this conference. You agree the ultimate sponsor of HITCON Pacific can send the information of related activities, eDM of related courses or information of services to the email you register. The ultimate sponsor of HITCON Pacific will also use the phone or other communication ways to send information of related activities, eDM of related courses or information of services to you. You are entitled for the ultimate sponsor of HITCON Pacific to review, make duplications, supplement or correct, discontinue collection, processing or use, delete the personal information by mail or email.
  4. If you check-in your badge in sponsor booths, it represent you agree the organizers can referral your personal information to the sponsor of HITCON Pacific for collecting, processing or using your information provided for this conference. You agree the sponsors of HITCON Pacific can send the information of related activities, eDM of related courses or information of services to the email you register. The sponsors of HITCON Pacific will also use the phone or other communication ways to send information of related activities, eDM of related courses or information of services to you. You are entitled for the sponsors of HITCON Pacific to review, make duplications, supplement or correct, discontinue collection, processing or use, delete the personal information by mail or email.


台北市信義區菸廠路 88 號 6 樓



チケット種別 販売期間 価格
超級早鳥(Super Early Bird Tickets)

2016/10/03 20:00(+0800) ~ 2016/10/14 23:59(+0800) 販売終了
  • TWD$8,000
早鳥報名(Early Bird Tickets)

2016/10/15 00:00(+0800) ~ 2016/11/18 23:59(+0800) 販売終了
  • TWD$10,000
一般票(Regular Tickets)

2016/11/19 00:00(+0800) ~ 2016/12/02 18:00(+0800) 販売終了
  • TWD$15,000
團體票(Group Tickets)- for 3 adults

2016/11/19 00:00(+0800) ~ 2016/11/29 00:00(+0800) 販売終了
  • TWD$12,000
學生優惠票(Student Ticket)

2016/11/22 20:00(+0800) ~ 2016/11/30 23:50(+0800) 販売終了
  • TWD$5,000
特別優惠票(Special Discount Ticket)

2016/10/03 20:00(+0800) ~ 2016/12/01 23:00(+0800) 販売終了
  • TWD$8,000

2016/11/26 00:00(+0800) ~ 2016/11/30 23:50(+0800) 販売終了
  • TWD$11,000

2016/11/26 00:00(+0800) ~ 2016/11/30 23:50(+0800) 販売終了
  • TWD$10,000

2016/11/26 00:00(+0800) ~ 2016/11/30 23:50(+0800) 販売終了
  • TWD$8,000
貴賓邀請票 (Honored Guest)

2016/11/07 00:00(+0800) ~ 2016/12/01 23:50(+0800) 販売終了
  • 無料