HITCON Enterprise 2024 台灣駭客年會


  • 活動名稱:HITCON Enterprise 2024 台灣駭客年會 

  • 主辦單位:社團法人台灣駭客協會(HIT)、CHROOT 

  • 協辦單位:可立可股份有限公司 KlickKlack Communications

  • 會議地點:松山文創園區 2樓 多功能展演廳(台北市信義區光復南路133號)

  • 會議時間:2024 年 10 月 30 日 (三)09:00 - 17:30


  • HITCON 是台灣每年舉辦的頂尖資安研討會,旨在探討資安領域的最新趨勢。多年來,我們不斷努力邀請來自全球各地的講者和資安專家參與,分享他們在資安領域的專業見解、最佳實踐和前沿技術。透過這些分享和交流,我們共同建立了一個深入且廣泛的資安專業知識交流平台。

  • 今年的 HITCON 分為 HITCON Community 社群場和 HITCON Enterprise 企業場,以迎合不同群體的需求。在 HITCON Enterprise 企業場中,我們將專注於深入探討企業防禦技術、資安管理流程與政策。同時,我們致力於促進國內外產官學研技術交流,加強跨領域、跨國界的合作,以因應不斷演變的資安挑戰。此外,我們也將探討國際聯防的重要性,共同建立更強大的資安防護機制。

  • 我們誠摯歡迎所有對資訊安全感興趣的朋友立即報名參與這一年一度的盛會。這是一個不僅可以學習、交流,更能共同促進專業發展的絕佳機會。讓我們攜手合作,增強企業資安防護能量。


20 Years of HITCON: Mind Meld Hacker Spirit from Human to AI

  • 今年 HITCON 迎來了成立 20 週年,標誌著從地下聚會到知名駭客會議的二十年間的演變。多年來,它已成為世界級資訊安全研究蓬勃發展重要會議,促進了世界各地豐富而活躍的資安社群。這段旅程見證了新技術的出現,如智慧型裝置、雲端運算和網路戰爭。在這些新興科技之下,駭客精神的本質——對研究、創新、發現、Hacking、守護網路安全的理念——依然不變,引導著駭客社群的前進。

  • 近年來,人工智慧(AI)的出現帶來了資訊安全的技術突破。當我們將人工智慧整合到駭客的日常任務中時,Alignment 的問題便應運而生。如何讓人工智慧可理解使用者的目標與價值觀,以適切的處理問題,是相當困難的挑戰,也產生許多資安、隱私相關的議題。如何 Mind Meld 人工智慧及駭客精神,引導人工智慧可理解資安、學習隱私相關的概念,是未來將人工智慧落地於資安應用中必要的一環。

  • 詳細議程資訊,請見官方網站:https://hitcon.org/2024/ENT/


  • 當日不開放現場售票。

  • 本次活動因委託 KKTIX 代開發票,故請您於購票前必須完成註冊 KKTIX 會員,方可購票,造成不便敬請見諒。


1. 一般票

  • 票價:新台幣 7,500 元

  • 票券權益:

    • 現場報到時可領取 HITCON ENT 2024 實體精美迎賓袋 1 份 (內含會眾 Badge 1 張、紀念 T-shirt 1 件、年會專屬紀念品 1 份)。

      • 未出席活動者,迎賓袋將不予補寄。

      • 於 09/13(五) 之後完成報名者,將「不保證」提供所需尺寸的紀念 T-shirt。

2. 早鳥票

  • 票價:新台幣 6,700 元

  • 票券說明:

    • 早鳥票販售至 08/16(五)23:59 止。

  • 票券權益:

    • 現場報到時可領取 HITCON ENT 2024 實體精美迎賓袋 1 份(內含會眾 Badge 1 張、紀念 T-shirt 1 件、年會專屬紀念品 1 份)。

      • 未出席活動者,迎賓袋將不予補寄。


3. 台灣駭客協會個人 / 團體優惠票

  • 票價:個人 / 新台幣 6,000 元、團體 / 新台幣 6,700 元

  • 票券說明:

  • 票券權益:

    • 現場報到時可領取 HITCON ENT 2024 實體精美迎賓袋 1 份(內含會眾 Badge 1 張、紀念 T-shirt 1 件、年會專屬紀念品 1 份)。

      • 未出席活動者,迎賓袋將不予補寄。

      • 於 09/13(五) 之後完成報名者,將「不保證」提供所需尺寸的紀念 T-shirt。

4. 特別關懷票(身心障礙者)

  • 票價 : 新台幣 3,700 元

  • 票卷說明 :

    • 此票價適用於身心障礙者參加本次活動。

    • 入場時,請出示有效期間內的身心障礙手冊正本,。

    • 每位身心障礙者可攜帶至多一名陪同者,陪同者享有同等優惠,但必須與身心障礙者同時入場 (陪同者不可單獨持票入場)。未攜帶證件或不符合資格者,將無法入場。

    • 此優惠票座位有限,售完即止。

  • 票券權益: 

    • 現場報到時可領取 HITCON ENT 2024 實體精美迎賓袋 1 份(內含會眾 Badge 1 張、紀念 T-shirt 1 件、年會專屬紀念品 1 份)。

      • 未出席活動者,迎賓袋將不予補寄。

      • 於 09/13(五)之後完成報名者,將「不保證」提供所需尺寸的紀念 T-shirt

5. 特別關懷票(長者)

  • 票價 : 新台幣 3,700 元

  • 票卷說明 :

    • 此票價適用於 65 歲以上長者參加本次活動。

    • 入場時,請出示有效相關證件:65 歲以上長者需出示身分證正本。未攜帶證件或不符合資格者,將無法入場。

    • 此優惠票座位有限,售完即止。

  • 票券權益: 

    • 現場報到時可領取 HITCON ENT 2024 實體精美迎賓袋 1 份(內含會眾 Badge 1 張、紀念 T-shirt 1 件、年會專屬紀念品 1 份)。

      • 未出席活動者,迎賓袋將不予補寄。

      • 於 09/13(五) 之後完成報名者,將「不保證」提供所需尺寸的紀念 T-shirt

6. 團體票

  • 票價: 新台幣 6,000 元

  • 票卷說明 :

    • 售票期間即日起至 09/23(一)23:59

    • 適用於組織團體報名,須至少購買 5 張。

    • 若有團體購票需求,請填寫此份團體購票申請

    • 如有相關疑問,歡迎來信 ticket@hitcon.org 

  • 票券權益: 

    • 現場報到時可領取 HITCON ENT 2024 實體精美迎賓袋每人 1 份(內含會眾 Badge 1 張、紀念 T-shirt 1 件、年會專屬紀念品 1 份)。

      • 未出席活動者,迎賓袋將不予補寄。

      • 於 09/13(五) 之後完成報名者,將「不保證」提供所需尺寸的紀念 T-shirt





  • HITCON Enterprise 門票僅限進出演講廳與交誼區,不含其他 HITCON 活動之會場。

  • HITCON Enterprise 大會恕不提供現場購票,還請見諒。

  • 海外參加者若無法匯款,請來信大會服務信箱並提供參加名單,我們將為您服務。

  • 請與會人員詳細閱讀「台灣駭客年會 HITCON 個人資料保護聲明」。

  • 本活動將委託 KKTIX 售票系統退票,KKTIX 售票系統將酌收票面金額 10% 之手續費。依據所使用的付款金流工具產生之額外手續費亦由購票人負擔。


  • 請妥善留存您的票券入場 QR Code,以供查驗身分。

  • 與會人員往返交通費及住宿請自理。


  • 本活動委由「KKTIX」開立電子發票。

  • 發票將於付款完成後 1-2 個工作天內寄至購票者信箱,若您為持票人(非自行購票),請自行洽購票人索取。

  • 一筆訂單僅開立一張發票,若因報名數人需要數張發票,請拆開訂單報名。

  • 電子發票以 Email 形式發送,您收到之後可以將發票 列印成紙本 報帳。

  • 有關發票開立/更改/遺失重開等相關問題,請洽 KKTIX 客服


  • 若有任何問題請來信 ticket@hitcon.org,將會由專人協助您處理。




Event Information: 

  • Name: HITCON Enterprise 2024 Taiwan Hacker Conference

  • Organizer: Taiwan Hacker Association (HIT), CHROOT

  • Venue: Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, 2nd Floor, Multifunctional Exhibition Hall (No. 133, Guangfu South Road, Xinyi District, Taipei)

  • Date: Wednesday, October 30, 2024, 09:00 - 18:00

About HITCON Enterprise 2024: 

  • HITCON is the premier cybersecurity conference held annually in Taiwan, aimed at exploring the latest trends in the cybersecurity field. Over the years, we have continuously endeavored to invite speakers and experts from around the world to participate, sharing their professional insights, best practices, and cutting-edge technologies in the cybersecurity domain. Through these sharing sessions and exchanges, we have collectively established a deep and extensive platform for cybersecurity knowledge exchange.

  • This year's HITCON is divided into HITCON Community and HITCON Enterprise, catering to the needs of different groups. In the HITCON Enterprise, we will focus on in-depth discussions of enterprise defense technologies, cybersecurity management processes, and policies. Additionally, we are committed to promoting technical exchanges among industry, academia, and government sectors both domestically and internationally, strengthening cross-disciplinary and cross-border collaborations to address the evolving cybersecurity challenges. Furthermore, we will explore the importance of international cooperation in cybersecurity defense, jointly establishing more robust cybersecurity defense mechanisms.

  • We sincerely welcome all friends interested in information security to register and participate in this annual event. This is not only an opportunity for learning and communication but also a great chance to collectively promote professional development. Let's work together to strengthen enterprise cybersecurity defense capabilities.

 HITCON Enterprise 2024 theme: 

Event Theme: 20 Years of HITCON: Mind Meld Hacker Spirit from Human to AI

  • This year marks the 20th anniversary of HITCON, symbolizing the evolution from underground gatherings to renowned hacker conferences over two decades. Despite emerging technologies like smart devices and cloud computing, the core hacker spirit - rooted in research, innovation, exploration, and cybersecurity - remains unchanged, guiding the hacker community forward. Integrating AI into hacker tasks poses challenges of alignment, requiring AI to understand security and privacy concepts. Mind melding AI with the hacker spirit is crucial for future AI integration into security applications.


  • No walk-in admissions at the venue.

  • Since KKTIX is our payment processor, you’ll need to create a KKTIX account before you can register for the event. We apologize for the inconvenience.


1. Regular Admission

  • Price: NTD 7,500

  • Benefits: 

    • Attendees will receive their HITCON Enterprise 2024 Welcome Kit (including 1 attendee badge, 1 commemorative T-shirt and one exclusive souvenir) upon arrival.

      • Welcome kits will not be mailed to absent attendees.

      • T-shirt will "NOT" be guaranteed to provide the required size if you register after September 13.

2.  Early Bird Ticket 

  • Price: NT$6,700 

  • Remarks: 

    • Early bird tickets available until August 16 at 23:59.

  • Benefits: 

    • Attendees will receive their HITCON ENT 2024 Welcome Kit (including 1 attendee badge, 1 commemorative T-shirt and one exclusive souvenir) upon arrival.

      • Welcome kits will not be resent to absentees. 

3. Concession Admission for HIT Individual/Group Member

  • Price: Individual / NTD 6,000; Group / NTD 6,700

  • Remarks: 

    • Exclusively for Association of Hackers in Taiwan (HIT) members. Read more on the HIT Member Recruitment page.

  • Benefits: 

    • Attendees will receive their HITCON Enterprise 2024 Welcome Kit (including 1 attendee badge, 1 commemorative T-shirt and one exclusive souvenir) upon arrival.

      • Welcome kits will not be mailed to absent attendees.

      • T-shirt will "NOT" be guaranteed to provide the required size if you register after September 13.

4. Special Care Ticket for Disability

  • Price: NT$3,700 

  • Remarks: 

    • A Special Care Ticket is applicable for individuals with disabilities to attend this event.

    • Please present a valid disability handbook upon entry. 

    • Each individual with disabilities can bring one accompanying person, who will enjoy the same discount, but must enter the venue simultaneously (accompanying person cannot enter separately with the ticket). Entry will be denied if valid documents are not provided or eligibility criteria are not met.

    • Seating for this discounted ticket is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis.

  • Benefits: 

    • Attendees will receive their HITCON Enterprise 2024 Welcome Kit (including 1 attendee badge, 1 commemorative T-shirt and one exclusive souvenir) upon arrival.

      • Welcome kits will not be mailed to absent attendees.

      • T-shirts will "NOT" be guaranteed to provide the required size if you register after September 13.

5. Special Care Ticket for Elder

  • Price: NT$3,700 

  • Remarks: 

    • A Special Care Ticket is applicable for individuals aged 65 and above to attend this event.

    • Please present valid identification upon entry: Individuals aged 65 and above are required to present their ID card.

  • Benefits: 

    • Attendees will receive their HITCON Enterprise 2024 Welcome Kit (including 1 attendee badge, 1 commemorative T-shirt and one exclusive souvenir) upon arrival.

      • Welcome kits will not be mailed to absent attendees.

      • T-shirts will "NOT" be guaranteed to provide the required size if you register after September 13.

6.  Group Admission

  • Price: NT$ 6,000

  • Remarks: 

    • Available until September 23.

    • Applicable for group registration by organizations, with a minimum purchase of 5 tickets.

    • For group ticket inquiries, please compelete this Group Ticket Application.

    • If you have any questions about the conference, please feel free to email ticket@hitcon.org for purchasing information. 

  • Benefits: 

    • Each attendees will receive their HITCON ENT 2024 Welcome Kit (including 1 attendee badge, 1 commemorative T-shirt and one exclusive souvenir) upon arrival.

      • Welcome kits will not be mailed to absent attendees.

      • T-shirts will "NOT" be guaranteed to provide the required size if you register after September 13.



Note on Registration: 

  • Admission tickets are valid for HITCON Enterprise conference room and the social area, but don't include access to other HITCON event venues.

  • HITCON Enterprise does not offer on-site ticket sales.

  • For overseas attendees who cannot transfer the payment, please email us a list of designated attendees and we will assist you accordingly.

  • Please read the Privacy Policy of HITCON carefully.

  • Ticket refunds for this event will be handled by the KKTIX ticketing system. The KKTIX ticketing system will charge a 10% handling fee based on the ticket price. Any additional transaction fees incurred by the payment gateway will be borne by the ticket purchaser. 

  • The event features multiple tracks of sessions, and seating in each conference room is limited. We cannot guarantee seating for every attendee and apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Notes on attendance: 

  • Please keep your admission QR Code for verification.

  • Participants are expected to handle their own traveling and accommodation costs.

Notes on invoice issuance: 

  • E-invoices for this event will be handled by the KKTIX ticketing system.

  • The e-invoice will be sent to the purchaser’s email within 1 to 2 working days after payment is completed. If you are the ticket holder (but not the purchaser), please contact the purchaser directly for the invoice.

  • One invoice for each order. If you need multiple invoices for each attendee, please split them into separate orders when registering. 

  • The e-invoice will be delivered via email. You can print the invoice out if you need a physical copy to claim the expense.

  • Questions regarding invoice issuance/change request/reissuance shall be directed to KKTIX Customer Support


  • For any questions, please email ticket@hitcon.org, and a dedicated staff member will assist you.

Contact Us: 


松山文創園區 2樓 多功能展演廳 / 台北市信義區光復南路133號


チケット種別 販売期間 価格
VIP 邀請票 (VIP Invited Admission)

2024/06/28 00:00(+0800) ~ 2024/10/21 23:59(+0800)
  • 無料
一般票(不保證 T-shirt 尺寸)(General In-Person Admission, T-shirt Sizes Not Guaranteed)

2024/09/14 00:00(+0800) ~ 2024/10/21 23:59(+0800)
  • TWD$7,500
協會個人會員優惠一般票(不保證 T-shirt 尺寸)(Concession Admission for HIT Individual Member, T-shirt Sizes Not Guaranteed)

2024/09/14 00:00(+0800) ~ 2024/10/21 23:59(+0800)
  • TWD$6,000
協會團體會員優惠一般票(不保證 T-shirt 尺寸)(Concession Admission for HIT Group Member, T-shirt Sizes Not Guaranteed)

2024/09/14 00:00(+0800) ~ 2024/10/21 23:59(+0800)
  • TWD$6,700
特別關懷票(身心障礙者)(不保證 T-shirt 尺寸) (Special Care Ticket for Disability, T-shirt Sizes Not Guaranteed)

2024/09/14 00:00(+0800) ~ 2024/10/21 23:59(+0800)
  • TWD$3,700
特別關懷票(長者)(不保證 T-shirt 尺寸)(Special Care Ticket for Elder, T-shirt Sizes Not Guaranteed)

2024/09/14 00:00(+0800) ~ 2024/10/21 23:59(+0800)
  • TWD$3,700
團體票(不保證 T-shirt 尺寸)(Group Admission, T-shirt Sizes Not Guaranteed)

2024/09/14 00:00(+0800) ~ 2024/10/21 23:59(+0800)
  • 無料
邀請票(不保證 T-shirt 尺寸) (Invited Admission, T-shirt Sizes Not Guaranteed)

2024/09/14 00:00(+0800) ~ 2024/10/21 23:59(+0800)
  • 無料