HITCON CMT 2024 前夜派對 & 講者晚宴

HITCON CMT 2024 前夜派對 & 講者晚宴

迫不及待要參與 HITCON CMT 2024 了嗎?或是聽完了白天的議程仍舊意猶未盡呢?歡迎您來到我們舉辦的前夜派對或是講者晚宴,與大家一起邊吃吃喝喝邊暢談聊天!


  • 無限暢飲的啤酒 (也有無酒精飲料)

    • 現場提供了大量酒水,今夜別再擔心卡路里跟荷包,放下煩惱跟憂愁,管住嘴?邁開腿!今天就是要跟著大家一起「喝爆」啦!

  • 有限的精緻食物(只有葷食)

    • 有酒水還有肉肉,正如太陽跟月亮、粉筆跟板擦、水煎包就是要加東泉辣椒醬,萬年不變的最佳拍檔,當一回「酒肉朋友」也很可以吧!

  • 最重要的是:今年大會的講者群!

    • 什麼還有比豪華拍檔更大的卡司!?講者群也一起來狂歡,認識講者的最佳時機,怎麼可以錯過!拿好你的酒食,大大可以教嗎? 。◕◡◕。)ノ


  • 入場券含前夜派對入場資格,現場備有酒精與無酒精飲料。

  • 本次派對以交流為主,現場提供少量炸物,數量有限!

  • 本活動退票需扣 10 % 退票手續費,如果您購票後不幸無法參加,建議將票券讓給可以參加的朋友。


  • 活動時間:2024/08/22(四)18:00-21:30

  • 活動地點:北流卡夫卡Kafka by TMC / 台北市南港區市民大道八段99號北流中心產業區5樓


  • 公車

    • 捷運昆陽站

      • 212、212直、212夜、270、270區、279、281、284、588、600、817、藍15、藍20區、藍22、藍23、信義幹線、藍25、藍36、藍50、小1區、藍51、小3(含區)、小5(含區)、小12(含區)、市民小巴15、551。

    • 臺北流行音樂中心站(市民大道)

      • 小12、小12區

    • 南港高中站

      • 212、279、281、284、551、600、信義幹線、小1區、小3、小3區、小5、小5區、市民小巴15、藍20區、藍36、藍50。

    • 東明里站 (南港路二段,近北流表演廳)

      • 203、205、212、276、281、306、306區、551、600、605、605新台五線、668、678、679、711、小1區、小5、小5區。

  • 台北捷運

    • 捷運昆陽站

      • 距離台北流行音樂中心約 600 公尺距離。請從 4 號出口出站,向東步行約 8 分鐘抵達。

    • 捷運南港站

      • 距離台北流行音樂中心約 900 公尺。請由 1A 連通道出站,沿指標前行至CITYLINK B棟,由一樓走出大門後,沿市民大道向西步行約 11 分鐘抵達。



What will we have at the party?

  • 為了感謝講者對資訊安全的貢獻,我們依照慣例在 HITCON Community 的第一天晚上設立晚宴,讓講者們齊聚一堂、自由討論各種駭客技術!

  • 讓我們與講者一同享受​​食物、酒跟技術,今年開放購票參與這場盛宴,購票入場即可一探神秘的講者晚宴!


  • 入場券含有講者晚宴入場資格,由於現場座位有限,請遵守大會安排之座位享用桌菜。

  • 恕無法保證與特定講者同桌、無法客製化餐點,僅能提供部分純素菜色,若有飲食禁忌、過敏食材請自行斟酌購票。

  • 本活動退票需扣 10 % 退票手續費,如果您購票後不幸無法參加,建議將票券讓給可以參加的朋友


  • 活動時間:2024/08/23(五)18:00~21:00

  • 活動地點:北雲餐廳(研究院店) / 115 台北市南港區研究院路二段 128 號


  • 公車

    • 205、212(直行/區間)、270、276、306、620、645(中研院站,前一站為中研新村站)

  • 台北捷運

    • 搭捷運板南線至南港站(1 號出口)換乘公車 212(直行/區間)、270 或藍 25 至中研院站

    • 搭捷運文湖線至南港展覽館站(2 號出口),走至南港國小對面換乘公車 205、276、306 或 645 至中研院站

  • 台鐵/高鐵

    • 至「南港站」換乘公車 212、270 或藍 25(中研院站)


HITCON CMT 2024 Pre-event Party & Speaker’s Dinner

Can't wait to participate in HITCON CMT 2024? Or are you looking for something extra after a whole day of packed sessions? You are welcome to join our pre-event party or speaker's dinner—enjoy the food and chat!

What to expect at the pre-event party

  • All-you-can-drink beer (non-alcoholic drinks are also available)

    • Forget about calories tonight, let go of worries and sorrows. Enjoy the drinks with everyone!

  • Finger food while lasts (non-vegetarian)

    • Wine and meat are just like sun and moon, tomato and cheese, or fried buns and Dongquan chili sauce––how can one be served without another? Celebrate the occasion with this timeless combination of delicacy!

  • And most importantly: the speakers of this year's conference!

    • Who could even take their eyes away from the dream cast of this year’s conference? We’ve invited all our speakers to the party—don’t miss the chance to meet with them! 。◕◡◕。)ノ


  • Admission fee for the pre-event party included in the ticket price. There are alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages at the venue.

  • This party is mainly about networking. Limited quantity of fried food will be provided on site.

  • A 10% processing fee will be deducted by the platform for the refund of tickets for this event. If you are unfortunately unable to join us in person after purchasing the ticket, it is recommended to give the ticket to a friend who can participate.

Time and Place


  • Date: Aug 22, 2024 (Thu.) 18:00-21:30

  • Venue: Kafka by TMC / Creative Hub 5F, No. 99, Sec. 8, Civic Blvd., Nangang Dist. Taipei City 115, Taiwan (R.O.C.)



  • By bus

    • MRT Kunyang Station

      • Take Routes 212, 270, 279, 281, 284, 551, 588, 600, 817, Blue15, Blue20, Blue22, Blue23, Blue25, Blue36, Blue50, Blue51, Xinyi Main Line, City Minibus15, Small 3 (Shuttle), Small 5 (Shuttle), Small 12 (Shuttle).

    • Taipei Music Center Station (Civic Blvd)

      • Take Routes Small12(Shuttle).

    • Nangang High School Station

      • Take Routes 212, 279, 281, 284, 551, 600, Blue 20 (Shuttle), Blue 36, Blue 50, Xinyi Main Line, City Minibus 15, Small 3 (Shuttle), Small 5 (Shuttle).

    • Dongming Li (Sec 2, Nangang Rd)

      • Take Routes 203, 205, 212, 276, 281, 306 (Shuttle), 551, 600, 605, 668, 678, 679, 711, Small 1 (Shuttle), Small 5 (Shuttle).

  • Taipei MRT

    • Kunyang Station(BL21) - 600m away

      • The Taipei Music Center is closest to Exit 4 of the Kunyang Station(BL21) on the Bannan Line. Walk for 8 mins along the pedestrian trail towards east to arrive.

    • Nangang Staion(BL22) - 900m away

      • Take the MRT Bannan Line to the Nangang Staion. Exit from Passage 1A and follow the sign to Citylink Building B. Pass through Citylink Building B and walk along the Civic Blvd towards west for 11mins to arrive.

What to expect at the Speaker’s Dinner?

  • It is HITCON’s tradition to hold a dinner for the speakers on the first day of the conference to appreciate the speakers’ contributions to the infosec community. Speakers may relax themselves and discuss their findings after a whole day of the event. 

  • This year, we are making a limited quantity of slots available for community members to participate in this feast. Buy tickets to explore the mysterious speaker dinner!


  • Admission fee for the speaker’s dinner included in the ticket price. Due to limited availability of seats, please follow the seat arrangement made by the conference staff.

  • There is no guarantee that you will be seated at the same table with a specific speaker, and you cannot customize meals. Only limited choices of vegan dishes can be provided. If you have dietary restrictions or allergic ingredients, please consider buying tickets at your own discretion.

  • A 10% processing fee will be deducted by the platform for the refund of this event. If you unfortunately cannot join us in person after purchasing the ticket, it is recommended to give the ticket to a friend who can participate.

Time and Place

  • Date: Aug 23, 2024 (Fri.) 18:00~21:00

  • Venue: Bei-Yun Restaurant, Academia Sinica (Taiwan) / No. 128, Academia Rd. Sec. 2, Nangang District, Taipei City



  • By Bus

    • Route 205, 212 (Express/Shuttle), 270, 276, 306, 620, 645 at Academia Sinica station (the previous stop is Zhongyan New Village station).

  • Taipei MRT

    • Take MRT Bannan Line to Nangang Station (Exit 1) and take bus Route 212 (Express/Shuttle), 270 or Blue 25 to Academia Sinica station.

    • Take MRT Wenhu Line to Nangang Exhibition Center Station (Exit 5) and take bus Route 205, 276, 306 or 645 to Academia Sinica station.

  • Taiwan Railway/High Speed ​​Rail

    • Get off at Nangang station and take bus 212, 270 or Blue 25 to Academia Sinica station.


票種 販售時間 售價
前夜派對一般票(Pre-Party General In-Person Admission)

2024/06/21 00:00(+0800) ~ 2024/08/22 18:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$700
前夜派對優惠票(Pre-Party Concession Admission)

2024/06/21 00:00(+0800) ~ 2024/08/22 18:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$600
前夜派對邀請票(Pre-Party Invited Admission)

2024/06/21 00:00(+0800) ~ 2024/08/22 21:30(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費
講者晚宴一般票(Speaker Dinner In-Person Admission)

2024/06/21 00:00(+0800) ~ 2024/08/22 23:59(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$1,500
講者晚宴邀請票(Speaker Dinner Invited Admission)

2024/06/21 00:00(+0800) ~ 2024/08/22 23:59(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費