HITCON CMT 2024 台灣駭客年會

  • 2024/08/23(周五) 09:00(+0800) ~ 2024/08/24(周六) 18:00(+0800) ( iCal/Outlook, Google 日曆 )
  • 中央研究院人文社會科學館 / 台北市南港區研究院路二段128號
  • 社團法人台灣駭客協會(HIT) 聯絡主辦單位



  • 活動名稱:HITCON CMT 2024 台灣駭客年會

  • 主辦單位:社團法人台灣駭客協會(HIT)、CHROOT、中央研究院資訊科學研究所(IIS)

  • 會議地點:中央研究院人文社會科學館(台北市南港區研究院路二段128號)

  • 會議時間:2024 年 08 月 23 日 (五)- 2024 年 08 月 24 日(六)


  • 當日不開放現場售票

  • 本次活動因委託 KKTIX 代開發票,故請您於購票前必須完成註冊 KKTIX 會員,方可購票,造成不便敬請見諒



  1. 票價:新台幣 5,500 ~ 9,500 元

    • 各金額票價權益相同,歡迎貢獻一己之力,與 HITCON 一同培植駭客社群文化!

  2. 票券權益:

    • 現場報到時可領取 HITCON CMT 2024 實體精美迎賓袋 1 份(內含會眾 Badge 1 張、紀念 T-shirt 1 件)

      • 未出席活動者,迎賓袋將不予補寄

      • 07/24 07/27 之後完成報名者,將「不保證」提供所需尺寸的紀念 T-shirt


  1. 票價:新台幣 2,000 元

  2. 票券說明:

  • 需持學生票入場須同時符合以下資格,並於進場時提供證件以利驗證:

    • 在學驗證:須持「有效學生證」(含研究所),且蓋 112 學年度上下學期「註冊章」。(含應屆畢業生)

    • 年齡驗證:須持「身分證、駕照、健保卡、護照」等任一有照證件,且限於 24 歲以下。(民國 88 年 9 月後出生者,例如國中、準高中職學生、準大學生、準研究生)

  • 持學生票進場,未帶證件、無法驗證或驗證後資格不符者,一律視為「一般身份」,須完成補票後方得進場。

  1. 票券權益:

    • 現場報到時可領取 HITCON CMT 2024 實體精美迎賓袋 1 份(內含會眾 Badge 1 張、紀念 T-shirt 1 件)

      • 未出席活動者,迎賓袋將不予補寄

      • 07/24 07/27 之後完成報名者,將「不保證」提供所需尺寸的紀念 T-shirt


  1. 票價:新台幣 4,400 元

  2. 票券說明:

  • 此為 OSCVPass 合作票種,詳細說明可參考 OSCVPass 專案介紹 頁面

  • 須完成 OSCVPass 審核通過後,填寫申請表單後,需使用邀請碼完成購票手續

  1. 票券權益:

    • 現場報到時可領取 HITCON CMT 2024 實體精美迎賓袋 1 份(內含會眾 Badge 1 張、紀念 T-shirt 1 件)

      • 未出席活動者,迎賓袋將不予補寄

      • 07/24 07/27 之後完成報名者,將「不保證」提供所需尺寸的紀念 T-shirt

・台灣駭客協會個人 / 團體優惠一般票

  1. 票價:個人 / 新台幣 4,400 元、團體 / 新台幣 4,950 元

  2. 票券說明:

  3. 票券權益:

    • 現場報到時可領取 HITCON CMT 2024 實體精美迎賓袋 1 份(內含會眾 Badge 1 張、紀念 T-shirt 1 件)

      • 未出席活動者,迎賓袋將不予補寄

      • 07/24 07/27 之後完成報名者,將「不保證」提供所需尺寸的紀念 T-shirt



  • HITCON Community 大會恕不提供現場購票,亦無法保證有足量桌椅座位,還請見諒。

  • 海外參加者若無法匯款,請來信大會服務信箱並提供參加名單,我們將為您服務。

  • 持學生票進場,未帶證件、無法驗證或驗證後資格不符者,一律視為「一般身份」,須完成補票後方得進場。

  • 請與會人員詳細閱讀「台灣駭客年會 HITCON 個人資料保護聲明」。

  • 本活動將委託 KKTIX 售票系統退票,將採用方案一:KKTIX 售票系統將酌收票面金額 10% 之手續費且活動前十天內(不含活動日)不予退票,詳情請見 KKTIX 代理退換票辦法。依據所使用的付款金流工具產生之額外手續費亦由購票人負擔。

  • 實體活動為多軌議程,各會議廳座位有限,無法保證每位與會者皆有座位,造成不便還請見諒。


  • 請妥善留存您的票券入場 QR Code,以供查驗身分

  • 與會人員往返交通費及住宿請自理


  • 本活動委由「KKTIX」開立電子發票

  • 發票將於付款完成後 1-2 個工作天內寄至購票者信箱,若您為持票人(非自行購票),請自行洽購票人索取

  • 一筆訂單僅開立一張發票,若因報名數人需要數張發票,請拆開訂單報名 

  • 電子發票以 Email 形式發送,您收到之後可以將發票 列印成紙本 報帳

  • 有關發票開立/更改/遺失重開等相關問題,請洽 KKTIX 客服 


  • 「買一張門票是擇一天參加嗎?」一張門票即有兩天活動入場資格

  • 「若有團體購票需求的話怎麼辦?」請來信 ticket@hitcon.org 由我們協助您處理





Event Information: 

  • Name: HITCON (Hacks In Taiwan Conference) CMT 2024

  • Organizer: Association of Hackers in Taiwan (HIT), CHROOT, Institute of Information Science (IIS), Academia Sinica

  • Venue: Humanities & Social Science Building, Academia Sinica Taiwan (128 Academia Rd. Sec. 2, Nangang District, Taipei City).

  • Date: August 23th, 2024 (Fri.) – August 24th, 2024 (Sat.)


  • No walk-in admissions at the venue.

  • Since KKTIX is our payment processor, you’ll need to create a KKTIX account before you could register for the event. We apologize for the inconvenience.


・Regular Admission

  1. Price: NTD 5,500–9,500

    • All price points enjoy the same benefits. Give what you can give and foster hacker culture together with HITCON!

  2. Benefits: 

    • Attendees will receive their HITCON CMT 2024 Welcome Kit upon arrival, which includes the attendee badge and a limited edition T-shirt for HITCON CMT 2024.

      • Welcome kits will not be mailed to absent attendees.

      • Attendees registered after July 27th are not guaranteed to receive T-shirts of their preferred size.

・Student Admission

  1. Price: NTD 2,000

  2. Remarks: 

  • You must satisfy both of the following requirements and present necessary IDs for validation upon admission to be eligible for student admission: 

    • Student status: In possession of a valid Student ID with the registration stamp of Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 semester (grad students and fresh graduated students included). 

    • Age limitation: In possession of a photo ID (e.g., ID card, NHI card, driver’s license, passport) with the birthday no earlier than September 1999 (Age 24).

  • Attendees who failed to present necessary IDs or ineligible to student discount will be requested to pay up the price difference in full.

  1. Benefits: 

    • Attendees will receive their HITCON CMT 2024 Welcome Kit upon arrival, which includes the attendee badge and a limited edition T-shirt for HITCON CMT 2024.

      • Welcome kits will not be mailed to absent attendees.

      • Attendees registered after July 27th are not guaranteed to receive T-shirts of their preferred size.

・Concession Admission

  1. Price: NTD 4,400

  2. Remarks: 

  • This admission discount is co-coordinated with OSCVPass. Read more on the OSCVPass Project Introduction page.

  • You may apply for an invitation code by filling the application form after passing the OSCVPass verification.

  1. Benefits: 

    • Attendees will receive their HITCON CMT 2024 Welcome Kit upon arrival, which includes the attendee badge and a limited edition T-shirt for HITCON CMT 2024.

      • Welcome kits will not be mailed to absent attendees.

      • Attendees registered after July 27th are not guaranteed to receive T-shirts of their preferred size.

・Concession Admission for HIT Individual/Group Member

  1. Price: Individual / NTD 4,400; Group / NTD 4,950

  2. Remarks: 

    • Exclusively for Association of Hackers in Taiwan (HIT) members. Read more on the HIT Member Recruitment page.

  3. Benefits: 

    • Attendees will receive their HITCON CMT 2024 Welcome Kit upon arrival, which includes the attendee badge and a limited edition T-shirt for HITCON CMT 2024.

      • Welcome kits will not be mailed to absent attendees.

      • Attendees registered after July 27th are not guaranteed to receive T-shirts of their preferred size.


Note on Registration: 

  • HITCON Community does not offer on-site ticket sales and cannot guarantee an ample number of seats and tables. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

  • For overseas attendees who cannot transfer the payment, please email us a list of designated attendees and we will assist you accordingly.

  • Attendees who failed to present necessary IDs or ineligible to student discount will be requested to pay up the price difference in full.

  • Please read the Privacy Policy of HITCON carefully.

  • Ticket refunds for this event will be handled by the KKTIX ticketing system. The KKTIX ticketing system will charge a 10% handling fee based on the ticket price. Any additional transaction fees incurred by the payment gateway will be borne by the ticket purchaser. 

  • The event features multiple tracks of sessions, and seating in each conference room is limited. We cannot guarantee seating for every attendee and apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Notes on attendance: 

  • Please keep your admission QR Code for verification.

  • Participants are expected to handle their own traveling and accommodation costs.

Notes on invoice issuance: 

  • E-invoices for this event will be handled by the KKTIX ticketing system.

  • The e-invoice will be sent to the purchaser’s email within 1 to 2 working days after payment is completed. If you are the ticket holder (but not the purchaser), please contact the purchaser directly for the invoice.

  • One invoice for each order. If you need multiple invoices for each attendee, please split them into separate orders when registering. 

  • The e-invoice will be delivered via email. You can print the invoice out if you need a physical copy to claim the expense.

  • Questions regarding invoice issuance/change request/reissuance shall be directed to KKTIX Customer Support


  • Q: Does purchasing one ticket allow attendance on either day?

  • A: One ticket is all you need for both days of the event.

  • Q: What if there is a group ticket demand?

  • A: Please write to ticket@hitcon.org and we will assist you

Contact Us: 

中央研究院人文社會科學館 / 台北市南港區研究院路二段128號


票種 販售時間 售價
學生票(不保證有 T-shirt)(Student Admission, T-shirt Not Guaranteed)

2024/07/27 00:00(+0800) ~ 2024/08/18 23:59(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$2,000
一般票(不保證有 T-shirt)(General Admission, T-shirt Not Guaranteed)

2024/07/27 00:00(+0800) ~ 2024/08/18 23:59(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$9,500
一般票(不保證有 T-shirt)(General Admission, T-shirt Not Guaranteed)

2024/07/27 00:00(+0800) ~ 2024/08/18 23:59(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$8,500
一般票(不保證有 T-shirt)(General Admission, T-shirt Not Guaranteed)

2024/07/27 00:00(+0800) ~ 2024/08/18 23:59(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$7,500
一般票(不保證有 T-shirt)(General Admission, T-shirt Not Guaranteed)

2024/07/27 00:00(+0800) ~ 2024/08/18 23:59(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$6,500
一般票(不保證有 T-shirt)(General Admission, T-shirt Not Guaranteed)

2024/07/27 00:00(+0800) ~ 2024/08/18 23:59(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$5,500
優惠一般票 (Concession Admission)

2024/05/24 20:00(+0800) ~ 2024/08/18 23:59(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$4,400
邀請票 (Invited Admission)

2024/05/24 00:00(+0800) ~ 2024/08/22 23:59(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費
協會團體會員優惠一般票 (Concession Admission for HIT Group Member)

2024/05/24 00:00(+0800) ~ 2024/08/18 23:59(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$4,950
協會個人會員優惠一般票 (Concession Admission for HIT Individual Member)

2024/05/24 00:00(+0800) ~ 2024/08/18 23:59(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$4,400
團體一般票(General Group Admission)

2024/05/24 00:00(+0800) ~ 2024/08/22 23:59(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費
團體學生票(Student Group Admission)

2024/05/24 00:00(+0800) ~ 2024/08/22 23:59(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費