HITCON 2021 台灣駭客年會

  • 2021/11/26(周五) 09:00(+0800) ~ 2021/11/27(周六) 19:00(+0800) ( iCal/Outlook, Google 日曆 )
  • 中央研究院人文社會科學館 / 台北市南港區研究院路二段128號
  • 社團法人台灣駭客協會(HIT) 聯絡主辦單位

#11/24 00:00 更新【 HITCON 2021 迎賓袋寄送及行前信公告】

  • 購買「實體票」者,大會已於 11/23 (二) 18:00 起發送活動行前信,敬請至當初所報名的 Mail 信箱進行查收,並留意相關注意事項。
    • 實體票中所含的迎賓袋,大會皆不會提前寄出,統一至現場報到領取。
  • 購買「線上票」者,大會已於 11/19 (五) 起陸續郵寄迎賓袋至您所填寫的地址,敬請查收。
    • 提醒您,如您的票種為【贈票】,大會已為您保留線上迎賓袋,報名時間截至 11/17 20:00 前將於活動前寄出(僅限台灣含本島地區),報名時間自 11/17 20:00 至 11/23 00:00 間,將於活動後寄出,逾期未至平台報名者皆不提供補寄。
  • 線上活動、線上觀看收看方式,大會將於 11/24 中午 12:00 以前陸續寄出,若逾期仍未收到再請來信反應 。


  • 有任何發票開立作廢、退票作業相關問題,歡迎於週一至週五 09:30-12:30 / 13:30-18:30 致 KKTlX 客服中心 電話 (02)2752-2836,謝謝!
  • 若針對大會售票活動等相關問題,歡迎聯絡大會 ticket@hitcon.org 信箱。

#10/18 18:00 更新【 HITCON 2021 清票售票公告】

  • 因應活動場地容留人數上限,於本階段開放最後可售實體票數量,若售完將提前截止不再加開,敬請把握最後購票機會。
    • 一般(線上/實體)、貴賓、尊榮票種,售票時間即日起加開至 11/01 00:00。
  • 若有團體購票需求,請填寫 團體購票申請表,將有專人為您服務。
    • 曾經採購過 HITCON Community 或 HITCON 2020 活動單位者,同一單位購買 15 張以上享 98 折優惠(至 10/31 為止)。
    • 若售完亦將提前截止購票申請。
  • 不含迎賓袋版的【線上一般票】
    • 2021/11/01 12:00 - 2021/11/16 00:00 【線上一般票】仍繼續提供販售,此期間購買的線上一般票 將不會 於活動前收到大會迎賓袋,票價維持不變,若您錯過最後清票機會,可於該期間購買,其餘票種不會再提供販售。
    • 購買時,請點選確認:是否知悉 11/1-11/15 期間購買的【線上一般票】,「不會」收到迎賓袋。 
    • 如您的票種為【贈票】,大會已為您保留線上迎賓袋,報名時間截至 11/17 20:00 前將於活動前寄出(僅限台灣含本島地區),報名時間自 11/17 20:00 至 11/23 00:00 間,將於活動後寄出。
  • 議程表目前已經更新於活動官方網站,點選主題可以查看議程簡介,活動前將持續更新,敬請期待。

#07/30 20:00 更新【 HITCON 2021 加開售票公告】

  • 一般、貴賓、尊榮票種,售票時間即日起加開至 10/10 12:00
  • 學生票種,資格申請即日起加開至 8/25 12:00,須先填寫 學生票購買資格申請表,審核通過並使用邀請碼完成購票,相關說明請參照下方申請說明。
    • 購票期間即日起加開至 8/31 12:00 
  • 數量有限售完為止,歡迎各方會眾儘早踴躍報名。

#07/15 15:00 更新【 HITCON 2021 接受全額退票辦法公告 】

  • 自 5/4 20:00 至 6/10 20:00 期間已於 KKTlX 及全家便利商店購買「 HITCON 2021 台灣駭客年會 」購票者,因活動延期及更換場地因素,大會接受全額退票申請。
  • 退票期限:自公告起至 2021/07/31(含)前寄達 KKTlX 客服中心信箱者。

#08/05 12:00 延長退票期限

  • 退票期限延長:自公告起至 2021/08/31(含)前寄達 KKTlX 客服中心信箱者。


  • ATM付款者: 請至 KKTlX 客服中心 (02)2752-2836,隨信附上以下資料:1. 訂單編號、2. 存摺封面影本:需包含匯款資料銀行、分行、帳號、戶名(需與訂購者一致)。
  • 信用卡付款者: 請至 KKTlX 客服中心 (02)2752-2836,隨信附上以下資料:訂單編號


  1. 若以現金或是 ATM 轉帳購票者,本公司將於收到電子票券後的 45-60 個工作天內匯款至指定帳戶,遇假日則順延至假日後的第一個工作天。
  2. 若您是以 KKTlX 會員於網路上訂購,您皆可在訂單內查詢退票、退款進度,建議您皆以KKTlX會員於網站內消費,若過了上述時間點尚未收到退款,歡迎您發信至 KKTlX 客服中心詢問進度。


  • 有任何發票開立作廢、退票作業相關問題,歡迎於週一至週五 09:30-12:30 / 13:30-18:30 致 KKTlX 客服中心 電話 (02)2752-2836,謝謝!
  • 若針對大會售票活動等相關問題,歡迎聯絡大會 ticket@hitcon.org 信箱。

#06/10 20:00 更新【 HITCON 2021 延期公告 】

鑑於全國第三級警戒已延長至 6/28,且經籌備團隊評估後,我們決定正式將 HITCON 2021 活動延期至今年度的 11/26 - 11/27 (Fri / Sat),地點更動為 中央研究院人文社會科學館;活動形式依舊為實體、線上並行,惟視疫情發展進行滾動式調整。若活動有任何調整,我們將會儘速公告,造成不便,敬請見諒。

已購票的朋友若因延期影響而有退/換票需求者,請待大會與 KKTlX 售票系統研擬相關辦法後另行公佈,敬請留意更新公告,謝謝您的耐心等候。

所以不管如何...HITCON 2021 一定會辦!"
⎯ HITCON 2021 總召 Mars Cheng & Sean Chen

# 6/7 00:30 更新

【 HITCON 2021 學生票審核通知寄出公告 】

資格符合者已於 6/7 00:30 以前全數寄出邀請碼,資格不符合者亦寄出需補件或不予通過的通知信件,敬請儘速查收,並於期限內完成補件,邀請碼會盡快重新寄出,謝謝同學的耐心等候。
並請檢查您的垃圾/促銷信件匣,若確認尚未收到請盡快來信告知( ticket@hitcon.org )

【 HITCON 2021 台灣駭客年會 】
Work from home, hack into home
COVID-19 的爆發,改變了人們的生活習慣,讓 Working From Home 成為一種必要選項,而我們日常生活也被進一步推向虛擬世界。隨著在家生活的時間增加,也顯現出家用智慧裝置與服務的重要性,這些裝置與服務皆有可能衍生出新的資安漏洞與隱私風險,是過往的資安概念鮮少觸及的一塊,但也帶來為全球資安生態帶來了全新氣象。而這些,將由 HITCON 2021 帶您深入剖析。

籌辦團隊也正積極籌辦各項活動,今年定能夠更為貼近生活大眾與向全球深入鏈結。 我們始終堅信惟有 HITCON 能夠超越 HITCON,HITCON 2021 將不再僅僅是一個資訊安全的技術研討會,而將是鏈結亞洲乃至全球大眾生活不可或缺的橋樑,請各位敬請期待~

HITCON 2021 兩個不嫌事大的總召與鬧騰的籌辦團隊


  • 活動名稱:HITCON 2021 台灣駭客年會
  • 指導單位:行政院資通安全處
  • 主辦單位:社團法人台灣駭客協會 (HITCON)、CHROOT
  • 協辦單位:台灣電腦網路危機處理暨協調中心 (TWCERT/CC)、一零四資訊科技股份有限公司
  • 特別感謝:格萊天漾大飯店
  • 會議地點:中央研究院人文社會科學館(台北市南港區研究院路二段128號)
  • 會議時間:2021 年 11 月 26 日 (五)~ 2021 年 11 月 27 日(六)

報名日期 :

  • 早鳥售票:2021/5/4 20:00 - 2021/5/31 12:00
    • 本階段僅開放部份票種售票(一般票(實體/線上)、貴賓票)
    • 學生票資格申請
  • 正式售票:2021/6/7 20:00 - 2021/7/31 12:00
    • 本階段開放全數票種售票(一般票(實體/線上)、學生票(實體/線上)、貴賓票、尊榮貴賓票)
  • 加開售票
    • 一般、貴賓、尊榮貴賓票種,延長至 10/10 12:00 
    • 學生票(實體/線上) 延長至 8/31 12:00,資格驗證申請即日起開放至 8/25 12:00 止,詳細說明請見下方學生票資格申請說明。
  • 當日不開放現場售票


  • 本次活動因委託 KKTlX 代開發票,故請您於購票前必須完成註冊 KKTlX 會員,方可購票,造成不便敬請見諒。



  1. 票價:
    • 一般票 票價:新台幣 1,500 元
    • 學生票 票價:新台幣 750 元(須完成 學生票購買資格申請表,待審核通過後,需使用邀請碼完成購票手續)
    • 以上票種不適用於早鳥優惠。
  2. 票卷說明&權益:

    • 此票種僅限活動期間參加線上活動及收看線上議程直播,無法 參加現場活動,持該票種亦 無法 於現場提供加價升級,敬請留意。

    • 此票種可於活動期間參加線上活動。
    • 皆含 HITCON 2021 實體精美迎賓袋 1 份:內含 HITCON 2021 會眾 Badge 1 張、迎賓袋 1 份。

  3. 注意事項:

    • 大會將於活動前統一寄送 HITCON 2021 迎賓袋(不含紀念 T-shirt )(僅限台灣及離島區域),請務必填寫正確之「收件地址」及「收件人姓名」,以避免物資無法送達,如因填寫錯誤致未收到物資,一概自行負責,大會恕不再另行補寄。

    • 大會將統一於活動前發送 E-mail 提供線上票登入資訊,敬請確認 E-mail 填寫正確(詳細時程及使用辦法另行公告)。

  4. 特別說明:

    • 由於部分議程 可能 涉及技術專利恕無法提供線上會眾觀賞,無法播放之議程將標示於官網議程表,欲購買線上票者請審慎評估。

    • 因應疫情的關係,為推廣資訊安全,HITCON 2021 將提供部分議程於 HITCON YouTube 頻道公開釋出,提供有志於資安學習的夥伴們共襄盛舉。惟經審稿委員會接受並與講者討論後之高品質議程,將設置為隱藏議程,須購票方能進行觀賞,詳情請參閱活動官網。


  1. 票價:
    • 早鳥實體票 票價:新台幣 4,000 元 (限期販售 5/4 - 5/31 )
    • 一般實體票 票價:將採浮動票價(4,500 元 - 6,000 元),依市場供需週期性調整票價。
    • 學生票 票價:新台幣 2,000 元(須完成 學生票購買資格申請表,待審核通過後,需使用邀請碼完成購票手續)
    • 未出席活動者,迎賓袋將不予補寄。
    • 因應防疫措施將控管與會人數上限,實體票種數量有限,售完為止
  2. 票卷說明:
    • 此票種可於活動期間參加線上活動及收看線上議程直播,並「可以」參加現場活動。
  3. 票券權益:
    • 現場報到時可領取 HITCON 2021 實體精美迎賓袋 1 份(HITCON 2021 會眾 Badge、HITCON 2021 紀念 T-shirt 、迎賓袋 1 份)。
    • 活動期間將提供午餐餐盒及茶水點心。

・貴賓票 VIP

  1. 票價:新台幣 20,000 元

  2. 票券說明:此票價享線上票種、現場票種所有權益,另包含以下特殊專屬權益:

    • 可參加 VIP 晚宴( 2021/11/26 18:30 ),詳細活動內容另行通知。
    • 議程廳快速通關道及保留座位(每個議程廳因容留限制,保留座位數量有限)
    • 免費使用 VIP Room 

・尊榮貴賓票 VVIP 

今年我們特別邀請國內外資安界重量級專家、學者、產業代表作為圓桌桌長進行精彩的分享,我們期待您一同與各級專家激盪出更深刻、多元化的資安洞察,享用美食之餘亦能進行更深度的交流。購買此票種的會眾除了尊享貴賓票所有權益外,亦能參加 CISO Round Table 圓桌午宴活動!

  1. 票價:新台幣 30,000 元

  2. 本票種將於 6/7 起正式販售,名額有限,售完為止。

  3. 此票價享線上票種、現場票種所有權益,另包含以下特殊專屬權益:

    • 可參加 CISO Round Table 圓桌午宴活動及獲得精美贈品 1 份 (活動規劃中),詳細活動辦法將另行通知。
    • 可參加 VIP 晚宴( 2021/11/26 18:30 ),詳細活動辦法將另行通知。
    • 議程廳快速通關道及保留座位(每個議程廳因容留限制,保留座位數量有限)
    • 免費使用 VIP Room 
  4. 主辦單位保有最終修改、變更、活動解釋及取消本活動之權利。


因應近期嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎(COVID-19)疫情,為了保護參與 HITCON 2021 年會的全體人員,本團隊依據中央疫情指揮中心(CECC)發布《「COVID-19 (武漢肺炎)」防疫新生活運動:實聯制措施指引》,於 HITCON 2021 年會現場實施「實聯制」。本團隊與中央研究院人文社會科學館將於年會前,通知所有參與年會現場的與會者與講師,在報到前登錄聯絡電話與稱呼(選填),若不同意提供個人資料,將不得進入 HITCON 2021 會場,並且不予退票

「實聯制」的實施對象,為年會現場「實際入場者」,與購票時所填寫的資訊互相獨立。您於購票時所填寫的資訊,將不會用於實聯制;購票後,您仍可以於活動前,任意轉讓票券給其他人使用,僅需於本團隊通知與會者登錄實聯制資料時,通知票券轉讓對象完成登錄。「實聯制」資料的蒐集單位為本團隊與中央研究院人文社會科學館,在 CECC 《「COVID-19 (武漢肺炎)」防疫新生活運動:實聯制措施指引》所規定之個人資料利用期間屆期後將確實刪除。


「學生身分」須年齡為 24 歲以下,且必須符合兩點者:

  • 持「學生證」(含研究所),須蓋 109 學年度上下學期「註冊章」(包含應屆畢業生)、入場時須蓋 110 學年度上學期「註冊章」。
  • 持「身分證、護照」等任一有照證件入場,且出生日期須為民國 85 年 9 月後出生者,例如國中、準高中職學生、準大學生、準研究生。
  • Q:目前正處休學期間,是否符合學生票資格?

  • Q:若學生證因故不在身邊或為新生入學、轉學生而尚未取得學生證者,是否適用學生票申請資格?
    (1) 在學證明、入學證明、錄取通知或註冊單據應為紙本正本並可辨識旅客姓名及學校系所名稱。若電子版文件列印後加蓋學校行政單位之正式章戳,亦屬正本文件。
    (2) 入學證明及錄取通知僅限於暑假期間 ( 6/19 至 10/31 ) 及寒假期間 ( 1/10 至 3/31 ) 適用。
    (3) 註冊單據非紙本正本者,須合併出示已繳費證明方得適用。


  • 學生票購買說明:請先填寫 學生票購買資格申請表 ,審核通過後,將統一於 6/7 15:00 前透過 KKTlX 送出邀請碼,請於售票期間持邀請碼於購票頁面完成購買手續。
  • # 6/7 00:30 更新,資格符合者已於 6/7 00:30 以前全數寄出邀請碼,資格不符合者亦寄出需補件或不予通過的通知信件,敬請儘速查收,並於期限內完成補件,邀請碼會盡快重新寄出,謝謝同學的耐心等候。
    • 請檢查您的垃圾/促銷信件匣,若確認尚未收到請盡快來信告知( ticket@hitcon.org )。
  • 學生票販售期間:2021/6/7 20:00 - 2021/7/31 12:00
  • 學生票加開販售期間:即日起至 8/31 12:00
  • 學生票申請表單填寫說明:
    • 學生票第一階段申請期限為:2021 / 05 / 04  20 : 00 ~  2021 / 05 / 31  12 : 00 
    • 學生票加開申請期限:即日起至 8/25 12:00,申請日 5 個工作天內會發送邀請碼信函,不符資格需補件者也會通知。
    • 每位持學生票者雙證件驗證,請務必上傳清楚的本人學生證(需蓋註冊章)、在學證明或其他證明學生身份之文件以及身分證、護照等有照片之證件影本。
    • 若貴校學生證格式 加註註冊章(EX: 電子票證版本),請您務必一同提供其他可證明學生身份之文件(例如在學證明或其他可驗證資料)以供查驗。
    • 證件資料只做為驗證用,絕對不會作為其他用途。
    • 此表單僅作為購買線上學生票之資格申請,並不保證完成表單即具線上學生票之購買資格(填寫順序亦不等同購票順序)。
  • 注意事項:
    • 大會完成驗證資格後將發出邀請碼,您取得邀請碼後必須儘速完成購票手續,請注意,該邀請碼不等於參加門票。
    • 學生票數量有限,售完不補,若提早完售系統將自動關閉,未能成功使用或逾期使用者視同放棄購票資格。
    • 學生票僅供本人使用,不可轉讓,實體學生票於入場前須出示相關身份證明文件,方可入場。


  • 海外參加者若無法匯款,請來信大會服務信箱並提供參加名單,我們將為您服務。
  • 請與會人員詳細閱讀「HITCON 個人資料保護聲明」。
  • 線上與會者如不滿意網路直播品質,恕不予以退票,購票前請審慎考慮,建議自行確認穩定的連線品質。
  • 本活動將委託 KKTlX 售票系統退票,KKTlX 售票系統將酌收票面金額 10% 之手續費。依據所使用的付款金流工具產生之額外手續費亦由購票人負擔。
  • 實體活動為多軌議程,各會議廳座位有限,無法保證每位與會者皆有座位,造成不便還請見諒。


  • 因應配合政府防疫措施,若您報名參加現場活動,視同同意提供個人資料並於參加現場活動報到時配合提供聯絡資料,若不配合將不得進入 HITCON 2021 會場(若有疑慮,請詳閱實聯制相關說明)。
  • 大會將視疫情狀況遵照指揮中心之相關規定調整(屆時若指揮中心需要實名制等措施將會採取相關資訊蒐集)
  • 實體活動於活動當日入場時均會進行體溫量測,如與會者有發燒【額溫≧37.5℃】情形,將不得進入 HITCON 2021 會場,並且不予退票。
  • 如因配合衛生、教育單位防疫相關規定屬防疫管制對象者,致無法參與 HITCON 2021 者,請即時通知大會服務信箱 ticket@hitcon.org,並檢具下列任一項證明文件,大會將全額退費:
  • 網路報名請妥善填寫真實資料與收件資訊。
  • 請妥善留存您的票卷入場 QR Code,以供查驗身分。
  • 與會人員往返交通費及需住宿請自理。
  • 與會中提供豐盛午餐及精緻下午茶點。


  • 本活動委由「KKTlX」開立電子發票。
  • 發票將於付款完成後 1-2 個工作天內寄至購票者信箱,若您為持票人(非自行購票),請自行洽購票人索取。
  • 一筆訂單僅開立一張發票,若因報名數人需要數張發票,請拆開訂單報名。 
  • 電子發票以 Email 形式發送,您收到之後可以將發票 列印成紙本 報帳
  • 有關發票開立/更改/遺失重開等相關問題,請洽 KKTlX 客服 。


  • 「海外學生可以買學生票嗎?」可以,一樣請提供學生證照與身份證明文件供檢核
  • 「國高中生可以買學生票嗎?」可以,若國中以下無學生證之狀況,請提供含出生年月日之證件照。
  • 「應屆畢業生可以買學生票嗎?」可以!
  • 「應屆畢業生學生證會回收,我需要提供什麼證明?」該學期註冊單、成績單等可證明之文件即可。
  • 「研究生可以買學生票嗎?」可以唷!但是需要你符合年齡限制且需要提供雙證件照片。
  • 「線上學生票的邀請碼有使用期限嗎?」邀請碼須於售票結束前使用完畢 ( 2021/7/31 12:00 ),請您收到邀請碼後儘速完成購票程序。
  • 「買一張門票是擇一天參加嗎?」一張門票即有兩天活動入場資格
  • 「兩階段售票有差嗎?」內容並無差別,但第一階段票價為優惠價,第二階段票價為浮動票價(NT$4,500 - NT$6,000)各票種均有限量,賣完就沒有囉!

特別企劃:HITCON 2021 學生免費方案

親愛的學生們,如果你 / 妳對於資安有無比的熱情與憧憬,


  【 HITCON 2021 】

Work from home, hack into home
Due to the pandemic of COVID-19, the lifestyle of humans had been changed fundamentally. Work From Home has become the required option. Our daily life has been furthered to the virtual world. Accompanied by humans taking more time to stay at home, the IoT home devices and services have become more important. Those devices and services will also bring more vulnerability and risk to cybersecurity.
We are also starting to prepare various activities and make sure HITCON 2021 can get close to the human lifestyle and deepen the link with the world. We believe only the HITCON can exceed HITCON. The HITCON 2021 will not only be a cybersecurity conference but also be a conference which can bridge the people and the world.


  • Event: HITCON 2021 Hacks in Taiwan Conference
  • Adviser: Department of Cyber Security 
  • Organizer: Association of Hackers in Taiwan, CHROOT
  • Co-organiser: TWCERT/CC, 104 Corporation
  • Special Thanks: Great Skyview
  • Venue: Humanities and Social Science Building (HSSB), Academia Sinica (No. 128, Sec. 2, Academia Rd., Nangang Dist., Taipei City
  • Time: Friday, November 26, 2021 - Saturday, November 27, 2021

Registration date: 

  • The 1st stage ticket sale: 2021.05.04 20 : 00 ~ 2021.05.31 12 : 00 GMT+8
  • The 2nd stage ticket sale: 2021.06.07 20 : 00 ~ 2021.07.31 12 : 00 GMT+8
  • The 3nd stage ticket sale: 2021.07.31 12 : 00 ~ 2021.10.10 12 : 00 GMT+8
  • No ticket purchase can be made at the venue on that day


In this event, HITCON entrusts KKTlX to issue invoices, so please register as a KKTlX member before you buy tickets. Sorry for all the inconvenience.

Online tickets

  1. Price
    • General ticket: NTD $1,500
    • Student ticket: NTD $750  (Must complete applying for student tickets. After obtaining approval, please use the invitation code to complete the ticket purchase procedure.)
  2. Description
    • This type of ticket is only available for online events and watching live streaming sessions. Please note that attending physical activities are not allowed. 
    • HITCON 2021 welcome packs: one badge of HITCON 2021, a welcome bag, and a limited edition of an annual T-shirt. 
  3. Precautions
    • HITCON will send "HITCON 2021 welcome packs" before the event starts. (Not include T-Shirt) (Only include Taiwan & outlying islands) Please be sure to fill in the correct "recipient address" and "contact name" to avoid the undeliverable. If you do not receive the materials due to incorrect filling, HITCON is not responsible for the loss and will not send the materials again.
    • HITCON will send the online ticket access information by email. Please be sure to fill in the correct email address.

Physical tickets

  1. Price
    • Early bird ticket: NTD 4,000 (5/4 ~ 5/31)
    • General ticket: NT 4,500 ~ NT 6,000 (Depends on market supply and demand)
    • Student ticket: NT 2,000 (Must complete applying for student tickets. After obtaining approval, please use the invitation code to complete the ticket purchase procedure.)
  2. Description
    • This type of ticket is only available for online events, watching live streaming sessions, and attending on-site activities. 
  3. Precautions
    • HITCON will send "HITCON 2021 welcome packs" before the event starts. (Not include T-Shirt) (Only include Taiwan & outlying islands) Please be sure to fill in the correct "recipient address" and "contact name" to avoid the undeliverable. If you do not receive the materials due to incorrect filling, HITCON is not responsible for the loss and will not send the materials again.

VIP tickets

  1. Price
    • NT 20,000
  2. Description
    • This type of ticket provides all the rights and also includes the following special privileges
    • Attend VIP party (2021/11/26 18:30) The detailed information will be announced individually
    • Fast pass and reserve seat of all HITCON 2021 conference hall
    • HITCON 2021 VIP lounge invitation

VVIP tickets

  1. Price
    • NT 30,000
  2. Description
    • Start purchase from 6/7 20:00 with quota limit, first come first serve
    • This type of ticket provides all the rights and also includes the following special privileges
    • Attend CISO Round Table with lunch and an exquisite gift. The detailed information will be announced individually.
    • Attend VIP party (2021/11/26 18:30) The detailed information will be announced individually
    • Fast pass and reserve seat of all HITCON 2021 conference hall
    • HITCON 2021 VIP lounge invitation

Special Program

HITCON 2021 Free Student program Dear students, If you have great passion and desire for cybersecurity, but you are not able to attend this conference due to financial and geographical issues, HITCON will provide you with the free program! (Transportation and accommodation are limited to students in Taiwan.)
As long as you provide the HITCON with relevant documents for review and write an article about your feedback after the conference, you will have the opportunity to win the free program. For more details, please refer to https://blog.hitcon.org/2021/04/blog-post.html

Requirements and precautions:

  • If overseas participants cannot transfer the payment, please email the HITCON service mailbox and provide us with a list of participants. We will assist you.
  • Participants are requested to read the "HITCON Personal Data Protection Statement" carefully.
  • The online participants will not be refunded if they are not satisfied with the quality of the live streamings. Please think carefully before purchasing. It is recommended to check the internet connection quality by yourself first.
  • This event will entrust the KKTlX ticketing system to refund the tickets, and 10% of the face value will be charged as the handling fee. The additional handling fee incurred based on the payment cash flow tool used is also afforded by the ticket purchaser.
  • Most of the physical activities are multi-track sessions. There are limited seats in the conference halls. It is impossible to guarantee that every participant will have a seat. We are sorry for the inconvenience caused.
  • HITCON will take your temperature when you enter the venue to attend physical events on the day. If any attendee has a fever (forehead temperature ≧37.5℃ or ear temperature ≧38℃), he/ she will not be allowed to enter the HITCON 2021 venue, and the tickets are not refundable. 
    In response to the pandemic, HITCON will implement the Contact-Based Policy in physical activities. If the attendees refuse to provide personal data, they will not be allowed to enter the HITCON 2020 venue, and the tickets are not refundable. 
  • If you are not able to participate in HITCON 2021 due to the anti-epidemic control regulations of the health and education authorities, please inform the HITCON service mailbox: ticket@hitcon.org immediately. And please present any of the following documents, the HITCON will fully refund the tickets. 
    1. Clinical/ hospital certificate of diagnosis (positive COVID-19)
    2. Home (Self) isolation Notice
    3. Home Quarantine Notice
    4. Record for Health Care Condition
    5. Notification of Compulsory Quarantine for Arriving Passengers with suspicious symptoms
    6. Self-health Management Notice
    7. Certificate of diagnosis (Must specify: fever, smell and taste disorders, upper respiratory tract infection, or those who are sent for inspection, or any symptoms related to the pandemic.)
  • HITCON will adjust according to the related regulations announced by the command center. (If the command center requires Contact-Based Policy and other measures at that time, HITCON will collect the relevant information.)

The instructions of conducting Contact-Based Policy in response to the pandemic

  • In response to Severe Special Infectious Pneumonia (COVID-19), to protect all the staff participating in the HITCON 2021, HITCON follows the "COVID-19 Epidemic New Life Movement: Guidelines for the Contact-Based Policy" which is announced by Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC). HITCON 2021 will implement the Contact-Based Policy at the site. The HITCON team and Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences will notify all the participants and lecturers to log in with their contact phone numbers and names (optional) before on-site registration. If you do not agree to provide personal data, you will not be allowed to enter the HITCON 2021 venue, and no refund of tickets. 
  • The targets of the Contact-Based Policy are the actual attendee at the site of the conference, which is independent of the information you provided when purchasing the tickets. The information you filled in when purchasing tickets will not be used for this policy. After purchasing tickets, you can still transfer the tickets to others before the conference starts. When HITCON informs you to log in for Contact-Based Policy, you will need to notify the participants to log in and complete the registration. The entities that collect the information of Contact-Based Policy are the HITCON team and Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences. The collected personal data will be deleted by following the "COVID-19 Epidemic New Life Movement: Guidelines for the Contact-Based Policy" regulated by CECC. 

Verification of student tickets:

  • Under 24 years old AND hold any “Photo Student ID Card”. (Including graduate school). Register stamps at least two semesters are required. (Including new graduate student)
  • Participants must present either ID or passport to enter the venue. And the participants were born after September 1996, such as junior high school students, prospective high school students, prospective college students, and prospective graduate students.


  • Instructions of online student ticket purchase: Please fill in the application form first. After obtaining approval, you will receive the invitation code at 15:00 6/7  from KKTlX. Please enter the invitation code on the ticket purchase page to complete the procedure.
  • Instructions for filling in the application form of student ticket:
    • Application deadline of student ticket: 2021 / 07 / 30  20 : 00 ~  2021 / 08 / 25  12 : 00 
    • Each student tickets holders will be required for 2-step verification. Please upload a clear photocopy of ID card or Passport, and student ID (registration stamp required) or school certificate that can prove your studentship.
    • The identification information is only used for verification and will never be used for other purposes.
    • This form is only used to apply for the qualification of student tickets. It does not guarantee that the completion of the form will be eligible to purchase student tickets.
    • After HITCON completes the verification of eligibility, HITCON will issue the invitation code. Once you receive the invitation code, you must complete the process of ticket purchase as soon as possible. Please note that the invitation code is not equal to the admission tickets.
    • Invitation code is required to purchase student pass (online or physical variant), each invitation code can purchase up to one student pass, whether online or physical.
    • The amount of student tickets is limited. If the student tickets are sold out, the system will close automatically. People whose qualifications are not applied successfully or expired will be regarded as a waiver of ticket purchase.
    • Student pass cannot be transferred. Valid ID must be presented upon registration to be admitted for the physical variant of the student pass.

Notes for participants:

  • For online registration, please fill in the real information properly and bring photo IDs for verification.
  • Please keep your QR Code of ticket entry properly for identity verification.
  • Participants are responsible for their transportation and accommodation costs by themselves. Lunch and afternoon snacks will be provided during the conference.
  • Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, foreign attendees should be aware of the border control measures and pandemic control measures that are in place, and adjust their planning/schedule accordingly. 

Notes on invoice issuance:

  • This activity entrusts KKTlX to issue E-Invoice.
  • The invoice will be sent to the ticket purchaser's mailbox after the payment is completed. If you are the ticket holder but did not purchase tickets on your own, please contact the purchaser to get the E-Invoice.
  • One invoice is issued for one order. If you need multiple invoices for many people, please separate the orders when registering.
  • The E-invoice will be sent by email. You can print the invoice out to claim the expense.


  • "Can oversea students buy student tickets?" Yes. Please provide your student ID and ID card for verification.
  • "Can junior/ senior high school students buy student tickets?" Yes. But if you are under junior high school and don't have the student ID, please provide your photo ID with your date of birth.
  • "Can the new graduates buy student tickets?" Yes!
  • "New graduates' student ID will be retrieved. What proof should I provide?" The documents such as semester registration form and transcript that can prove your studentship.
  • "Can postgraduate buy student tickets?" Yes. You will need to meet the age limit and provide photos ID for 2-step verification.
  • "If I temporarily leave the school, could I still purchase a student ticket?" No, student tickets are only available for official students.
  • "If I don’t have a student ID card, could I still purchase a student ticket?" For the students who don't have a physical student ID card, please provide the personal ID and official document which can prove you are student.
  • "Is there an expiration date for the invitation code of the online ticket?" The invitation code should be used before the deadline of the second stage ticket sales. You must enter the invitation code on the ticket page to complete the purchase process! Please use the invitation code as soon as possible after receiving it to complete the purchase!
  • "Is one ticket for choosing one day to attend?" One ticket is available for this two-day event.
  • "What is the difference between first and second stage ticket sales?" The content is no different. The price of the first stage is cheaper. The price of the second stage is floating (NT$4,500 - NT$6,000). The tickets are quota limit, first come first serve.

Contact us:

中央研究院人文社會科學館 / 台北市南港區研究院路二段128號


票種 販售時間 售價
早鳥優惠【實體】一般票 (General Physical Pass)

2021/05/04 20:00(+0800) ~ 2021/05/31 12:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$4,000
【線上】一般票 (General Online Pass)

2021/05/04 20:00(+0800) ~ 2021/11/16 00:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$1,500
【線上】學生票 (Student Online Pass)

2021/06/07 20:00(+0800) ~ 2021/11/01 00:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$750
【實體】一般票 (General Physical Pass)

2021/06/07 20:00(+0800) ~ 2021/11/01 00:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$5,000
【實體】學生票 (Student Physical Pass)

2021/06/07 20:00(+0800) ~ 2021/11/01 00:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$2,000
【實體】貴賓票 (VIP Physical Pass)

2021/05/04 20:00(+0800) ~ 2021/11/01 00:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$20,000
【實體】尊榮貴賓票 (VVIP Physical Pass)

2021/06/07 20:00(+0800) ~ 2021/11/01 00:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$30,000
〖贈票〗【線上】學生票 (Student Online Pass)

2021/06/07 20:00(+0800) ~ 2021/11/01 00:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費
〖贈票〗【實體】學生票 (Student Physical Pass)

2021/06/07 20:00(+0800) ~ 2021/11/01 00:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費
〖贈票〗【線上】一般票 (General Online Pass)

2021/06/07 20:00(+0800) ~ 2021/11/23 12:30(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費
〖贈票〗【實體】一般票 (General Physical Pass)

2021/05/04 20:00(+0800) ~ 2021/11/23 12:30(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費
〖贈票〗【實體】貴賓票 (VIP Physical Pass)

2021/05/04 20:00(+0800) ~ 2021/11/23 12:30(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費
〖贈票〗【實體】尊榮貴賓票 (VVIP Physical Pass)

2021/06/04 20:00(+0800) ~ 2021/11/23 12:30(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費
〖保留〗【實體】一般票 (General Physical Pass)

2021/11/01 00:00(+0800) ~ 2021/11/23 00:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$4,500